Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 248 total)

  • RE: Query Usage

    Schadenfreude-Mei (4/12/2010)

    Idera has a really great tool for tracking this stuff. Its called Diagnostic Manager:

    Will SQLDM shows, which query is using how much log space in that...


    It happens because of different processes are waiting for same resource, in that scenario deda lock issue happens.

    SQL server has special mechanism which resolves the dead lock issue automatically by...

  • RE: Tempdb is full

    You can take outage and restart the SQL Serever services, which will rebuild the tempdb with default size.

    Thanks and Regards!!

  • RE: Maintenance Plan

    So there is no resolution for this issue, only precautiuon ?

    By de selecting the database in maintenance plan before dropping it ?

    Thanks and Regards!!

  • RE: Maintenance Plan

    tvantonder-992012 (1/18/2010)

    The reason for the maint plan not working is that the pointer to the deleted database is saved in the package and not automaticaly updated. As mentioned you can...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan

    I have done that only, but I need to know why that happened, is there any other resolution for that issue. Is this a bug in SQL Server 2005 ?


  • RE: Index

    Hi All,

    Can we defrag the clustered indexes ?

    when I am running query:

    select * from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED')

    I am getting the same index two or more times on same...

  • RE: Index

    Yes, have both clustered and non clustered indexes.

  • RE: Index

    Its around 8000 to 10000 Pages and fragmentation around 50%

    And some of the indexes are about 200 to 800 pages, their fragmentation level is around 80% and they are also...

  • RE: Index

    Hi Muthukkumaran,

    I have tried your script of index defrag, but unable to defrag a single percentage down in our production environment.

    exec USP_DBA_INDEX_DEFRAGMENTATION DBName is the query I have used.

    can you...

  • RE: Index

    and the query should compatible for both 2005 and 2000.

    Thanks and Regards!!

  • RE: Index


    Is this possible to find out the indexes on a single talble, not for whole database.


  • RE: General Question

    Some of the GE-Healthcare products are using SQL Server.

  • RE: General Question

    here is the official url from MicroSoft for list of companies:

    Thanks and Regards!!

  • RE: General Question

    Hi Everybody,

    Thank you very much for your response and including my topic in the Friday's poll. So that if anybody like me who is working on SQL Server and does...

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 248 total)