Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 210 total)

  • RE: help for sql

    Couldn't test it out but maybe something along these lines?


    , d.acctname

    , d.Debit


    , d.Debit - AS InvoiceBalance


    SELECT a.acctid, a.acctname, SUM(COALESCE(c.invamt, 0)) AS Debit

    FROM invoices c

    INNER JOIN accounts a ON...

  • RE: how to capture database size

    Pulled from script originally written to run against 2000 but works in 2005

    SELECT sum(convert(int,round((aa.size*1.000)/128.000,0)))

    FROM dbo.sysfiles aa

    LEFT JOIN dbo.sysfilegroups bb ON aa.groupid = bb.groupid

  • RE: filter out expired records

    No worries, glad I was able to help.

  • RE: Database name, best practice?

    Pro for same db name throughout: code promotion. It enables the same version of the script to be ran in all environments. Call it good old fashioned CYA but I...

  • RE: filter out expired records

    just use a subquery to determine the records you want to keep:


    FROM@temp t


    SELECTclientnumber, code, plan, MAX(eff_date) as eff_date


    GROUP BY clientnumber, code, plan

    ) x ON t.clientnumber = x.clientnumber

    AND t.code...

  • RE: Format report data in the app or in SQL?

    There are exceptions, but we usually handle all formatting on the front-end.

    Haven't seen anything this simple in practice but you get the idea.


    DECLARE @temp TABLE (SomeValue NUMERIC(5,2))


  • RE: Join with max date

    got beat to the punch but here's what I came up with..

    declare @reoders table (rxno int)

    declare @hrxs table (rxno int, posteddate datetime)

    insert into @reoders (rxno) values (1)

    insert into @reoders (rxno)...

  • RE: Max date and associated row data

    Don't know if it's the best option or not but eliminating the use of subqueries from the column list should make it perform better.

    SELECT i.woi_product, i.woi_ordref, s.wos_startdate

    FROM @woitem i

    JOIN @xTOOLS...

  • RE: multiple store procedure in single transaction batch

    You could also use return values to validate success/failure

    declare @retval int

    --Inserting data table 1

    exec @retval = sp_InsertData1

    -- SUCCESS: @retval = 0

    -- FAILURE: @retval = 1

    If @retval = 1 then goto...

  • RE: SysObjects and differing tables not based on name

    Depending on how they created the tables and what roles they had at the time, you might be able to go off table owner.

    select name from sysobjects where xtype =...

  • RE: checking to see if I can change from 8.0 to 9.0 compatibility

    Why not download and run the advisor?

    If you've already changed to 90: back it up, change compatibility back to 80 and run it.

  • RE: Select distinct top 5 column1 from table order by column2 desc

    DECLARE @temp TABLE (


    , SalesId INT


    INSERT INTO @temp (



    SELECT Salesid

    FROM temp

    ORDER BY dealid DESC

    SELECT TOP 5 t.SalesId

    FROM @temp t


    SELECT SalesId, MIN(RowId) AS RowId

    FROM @temp

    GROUP BY SalesId


  • RE: Who physically maintains your sql servers?

    We're a small shop (one SA / one DBA) so responsibilities tend to overlap. Historically the SA was responsible for building, patching (OS and DB) and configuring the servers while...

  • RE: Why write t-sql this way? From table1, table2 where table1.col = table2.col

    Seen (and wrote) a lot of legacy code where the JOIN criteria is in the WHERE clause. Unless you're seeing '*=' or '=*', I wouldn't worry too much about...

  • RE: Moving duplicate data to single unique rows

    Probably not the most eloquent solution but maybe this'll help.

    CREATE TABLE #Reviews


    Person_ID INT NOT NULL ,

    Review_Date DATETIME NULL ,

    Initial_Review VARCHAR(MAX) NULL ,



    insert into #Reviews (Person_ID, Review_Date, Initial_Review,...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 210 total)