Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 94 total)

  • RE: pivoting

    Actually Im not that familiar with PIVOT...

    but, I think someone already answered your question in your other post...

  • RE: Parent/Child linear data -SOx

    Hi there,

    Sorry Tom but I agree with rbarryyoung, please rewrite youre example.

    But I didn't post this message just to say that.

    Actually I know a design to give tables heirarchy but,...

  • RE: pivoting

    Hi there,

    Uhmmm... where do you need the PIVOT?

    why not just use TOP?

  • RE: Update one table Insert another

    Try using triggers...

    you can read it in


    JUST CREATE A STORED PROCEDURE or what we call SPROC (cause i don't use triggers)

    something like this (haven't tested code...

  • RE: Debugging Stored Procedures

    Wow, thanks... uhmm... but I don't know how to use it LOL! Uhmmmmmmmmm... does it work for SQL Server 2005 EXPRESS?

  • RE: Table Types

    AGREED. you can use table parameters in SQL Server 2008 (mines still 2005 T__T) but theres another way without using loop... try storing them in xml and then extracting them...

  • RE: Xquery question

    Hi there,

    hope this helps

    DECLARE @x XML, @xdoc INT


    -- OVER HERE!!!

    --- Dear admins, there seems to be a glitch when entering XML code here in the forums.

    --- please fix it when...

  • RE: Decimal Separator / Language Setting

    :)Hi there,

    I'm not sure if your asking a question and if you are, correct me if I'm wrong but do you want a decimal value like 0,333 but are having...

  • RE: Help?

    🙂 Hi there!

    😛 Hope this helps

    -- FIRST OF ALL, I DON'T USE CURSORS ^__^ heard tere where bugs in them or speed issues

    -- FIRST TEMPORARY TABLE (Copy of Original)


  • RE: Debugging Stored Procedures

    Whoa! did you just say you can do some debugging in SQL? That would be great... I wish I knew how to do that...

    Well, when I check my code for...

  • RE: Comparing ss and ß using LIKE

    Hi there...

    I found an answer to your problem

    Convert them to Nvarchar.

    Ok ok, I knowusing CAST or CONVERT would add some more code... but you can do something like this

    IF N'ßßa'...

  • RE: Converting integer to time

    Hey Carl Federl nice one... your code is way better than mine... 🙂 i realy like it... forgot about that one...

    Hey AShehzad ... Uhmm I have a question... what time...

  • RE: Converting integer to time


    I thought I replied to this earlier but my reply suddenly disappeared...

    Ok, here's a simpler way... only one select statement for this...

    by the way... the reason why...

  • RE: Enabling Full Text Search

    Hi! If you want simple search you could read some info here

    For the FullTextSearch... you actually enable the feature upon installation... so if you fail to enable it,...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 94 total)