Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 70 total)

  • RE: Table-based Functions vs. Views

    Lynn Pettis (5/9/2012)

    Well, I'd have to touch stored procedures as I don't like using SELECT * in my code.

    Here is what I would be concerned about, what if a developer,...

  • RE: Table-based Functions vs. Views

    Currently, our Data Access relies heavily on SPs - we do not call Tables or Views directly from code. If we have a reason to query the database then...

  • RE: Table-based Functions vs. Views

    I've probably overcomplicated this question greatly.

    In its simplest form:

    If I have X Views and take the SELECTs from those Views and put them in table-value UDFs instead, will I suffer...

  • RE: Table-based Functions vs. Views

    Okay, that's probably the answer I'm looking for then.

    So if you had a similar situation that I have (a complicated join is needed to determine if SituationX exists), would you...

  • RE: Table-based Functions vs. Views

    I might be getting lost on what Multi-Statement UDFs are ... I'm not doing anything in the UDFs outside of either a simple RETURN SELECT or IF(EXISTS(SELECT)) statement in any...

  • RE: Table-based Functions vs. Views

    To expand on that, here's a simplified example of what we'd be doing:

    (and this entire design could be the problem in itself with what we're trying to do ... still...

  • RE: Table-based Functions vs. Views

    There's some questions and concerns our programming team has had about ORMs and have never really gotten answers for and until we can see an example of how it'd work...

  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    For the sake of prosperity ..... I have just modified how I'm doing this.

    Once you have all the indexes/statistics in place that you can possibly add, there's little more you...

  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    Lynn, if you read my post at the top of page 4 that will totally bring you up to speed with where I'm at right. Same issues as it's...

  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    What is really eating at me (and why I originally decided this was a question for bigger SQL brains than myself to answer) was that I just don't understand how...

  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    WF_STOP index is not helping either .....





  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    Derek Dongray (3/5/2009)

    Yes, I noticed just after I'd spent an hour perusing your plan and trying to work out what the view did. 😀

    First off, my sincerest apologies on that...

  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    Derek was working off the code on page 1 .... I'll go back and modify that to say "read page 4"

    What I've provided you is the current problem that I'm...

  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    Sure, here ya go ...... actually less data then I was originally thinking .... this view doesn't use a certain table that most in this database do....

    IREP_T_WF_INFO ...

  • RE: Distinct going slower than *

    Derek Dongray (3/5/2009)

    Looking at the plan....

    Sorry for a bit of confusion, Derek, but have brought up a new query that is doing something very similar here on page 4. ...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 70 total)