Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 48 total)

  • RE: Friday Shirts

    I came to the discussion before answering in hopes that someone would have said the correct answer, but alas my search was quite unfruitful, so I had to end up...

  • RE: What will this query return?

    Hugo Kornelis (9/5/2014)

    One more reason why I hope that the semicolon will become mandatory in a future version is this snippet that my boss five job changes back used when...

  • RE: Random Sample

    Toreador (7/7/2014)

    BWFC (7/7/2014)

    I'm sure I'm missing something very basic here but I was under the impression that because there is no ordering automatically on a table, the row returned by...

  • RE: What will be Identity value

    Nice question, thanks!

    I got lucky with my answer, I thought the error would be trying to insert a duplicate value in an identity column. In retrospect, I see there's no...

  • RE: The Model Database

    Here's the link to the previous question[/url], for anyone who got curious like me but doesn't want to go through the QotD pages. 😛

  • RE: SQL Server Health and History Tool

    Revenant (1/28/2014)

    Thanks for an interesting question, Amit. Nitpicking: if it asks 'select all that apply,' it should have checkboxes, not radio buttons.

    I'm guessing it was supposed to have 4 options...


    George M Parker (10/18/2013)

    Ed Wagner (10/18/2013)

    tabinsc (10/18/2013)

    Victor Kirkpatrick (10/18/2013)

    Might be an easy one, but I learned something: the WITH VALUES clause. Thanks.

    Same here

    Same for me.

    Same here, wasn't familiar with the...

  • RE: Database permissions

    Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (10/3/2013)


    which is, most probably, why the QP stated WEF SQL2012.


    Sorry if it's a stupid question (English is not my native language), but what does WEF stand for?

  • RE: Filestream data

    paul s-306273 (9/27/2013)

    "FILESTREAM, of course" has 11%, so that was a bit sneaky!

    I love how sassy that option is, though.

  • RE: A simple trick for “Block Comment” syntax in SSMS

    zerko (8/4/2013)

    Amazing where a bit of collaboration can take an idea - by combining the 'toggle trick' example from 'the-SQList' with Timwell's 'select/update' example, discovered another way of combining the...

  • RE: Variable Declaration

    sknox (9/19/2013)


    Consider, for example, the following:

    DECLARE @Start datetime = getdate();

    SELECT * FROM v_SeveralMinutesToExecuteView;

    DECLARE @End datetime = getdate();

    SELECT DATEDIFF(ms,@Start,@End) as TimeToExecute;

    If values were set during parse time, @Start and @End would...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 06 Feb 2006

    L' Eomot Inversé (8/1/2012)

    Peter Kryszak (2/6/2006)

    I agree with your point that the "permissions options" are valid issues especially when best practices were mentioned.

    I think the point of the...

  • RE: wildcards

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    Revenant (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    Primo Dang (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    isaquedejair (9/11/2013)

    Discordo do resultado ser "2", pelo fato de que no momento de gerar o insert ocorre um...

  • RE: wildcards

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    isaquedejair (9/11/2013)

    Discordo do resultado ser "2", pelo fato de que no momento de gerar o insert ocorre um erro

    "String or binary data would be truncated.", o...

  • RE: Sales puzzle

    Knut Boehnert (8/15/2013)

    MikeSpike (8/15/2013)

    But why is the result (0, 1) eliminated?

    Does the engine first pick cp.pkey=0 from row 1 and 2 then looks at row 3-4 to check if up.pkey...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 48 total)