Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    sabby91 - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 4:11 PM

    Check this out. Seems to be the cause of this issue and it is fixed...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    Matt Miller (#4) (9/12/2016)

    I was actually trying to see if the trigger's INSERT statement was having issues and had switched the user ID and session ID in the insert from...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    @Matt Miller (#4):Thanks for your help.

    I have no identity_insert.

    select ss_id from session


    select sh_id from session_hist




    (1 row(s) affected)

    This is the duplicated identity.

    Next one: sorry, why do you search for -1?

    select *...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    Sergiy (8/30/2016)

    You're on the right path.

    Look for "RESEED" in the code.

    Must be somewhere near DELETE from SESSIONS.

    No reseed

    Matt Miller (#4) (8/30/2016)

    Try running this and see what you get:

    select count(*)

    from session_his...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    @matt-2 Miller (#4): no

    @sergiy, @Lynn Pettis: because the SESSION's row are delete few time after, you can see this on code. When a new...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    SESSION table:


    [SS_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [SS_USER_ID] [int] NULL,

    [SS_GUID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,



    [SS_ID] ASC


  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    Lynn Pettis (8/29/2016)

    From Books Online:

    IDENT_CURRENT is similar to the SQL Server 2000 identity functions SCOPE_IDENTITY and @@IDENTITY. All three functions return last-generated identity values. However, the scope and session on...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    Matt Miller (#4) (8/29/2016)

    With all due respect - just because your log table is showing the same value from another table twice doesn't quite compute to IDENTITY() being flawed. Also...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    TheSQLGuru (8/29/2016)

    Possible causes:

    1) SQL Server bug, as mentioned by others. VERY unlikely

    2) bug in your code. possible issues:

    a) you hold a value over from prior execution

    b) you insert multiple...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    Grant Fritchey (8/29/2016)

    Make sure you're up to date on service packs and cumulative updates. It's pretty unlikely such a fundamental bug is unaddressed by Microsoft. There's be a lot more...

  • RE: SQL Sever 2012 identity bug?

    Eirikur Eiriksson (8/29/2016)

    Quick remedy suggestion, change the query from using SCOPE_IDENTITY() to the OUTPUT clause of the insert or use IDENT_CURRENT to evaluate the identity value of SCOPE_IDENTITY(). The server...

  • RE: Connection error

    I have setted with cliconfg the default protocol to TCP/IP on both system and on the client of the linked server.

    Perhaps I have not understand your message. I speak poor...

  • RE: Connection error

    I can't downgrade Windows or upgrade SQL for some months.

    I have already a Windows 2003 with SQL 7 and from the same remote SQL I can do a linked server...

  • RE: Loop with dinamic connection

    I post the solution.

    It is necessary close all the connection that are dynamic before the next connection would be set.

    To do this right click on the "object" (SQL Task...

  • RE: Loop with dinamic connection

    It is the same thing.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)