Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Date comparison

    to get rid of the fractional part of a date (time) i usually cast it to a float and then floor that value.


     cast(floor(cast(GetDate() as float)) as datetime)

    or in your case


  • RE: problem with a view, its not bring back rows with null in it

    Hi Ryan,

    Without going in to much detail...

    Got claim item that have security events, maintenance events, lessor contributions and contract securities. They all have the same grouping of FK (not nullable) and...

  • RE: problem with a view, its not bring back rows with null in it

    Hi Ryan,

    In my particular case i am actually using left outer join, but have two IDs to join too, one PK, and another a nullable FK.  So the join would actually...

  • RE: problem with a view, its not bring back rows with null in it

    Hi Ben,


    I solved this problem by using the isnull function

    JOIN... ON ISNULL(table1.nullable_ID, 0) = ISNULL(dbo.table2.nullable_ID, 0)

    Hope this helps


  • RE: compare getdate

    Hi Kazo,

    To get rid of the time part in GetDate() i use the following statement:

    select cast(floor(cast(GetDate() as float)) as datetime)

    The result for this would be:

    2006-04-13 00:00:00.000

    And you should be able...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)