Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 241 through 253 (of 253 total)

  • RE: Local Groups or Global Groups?

    On the "why use Local group instead of Global groups" issue:

    I once attended a local Microsoft seminar on SQL something or other, and the question came up. It wasn't...

  • RE: Backup into multiple (smaller in size) files

    I've done a fair amount of work with Database Maintenance Plans, and I've never seen anything that implies they support partial database backups (i.e., file group backups). You will...

  • RE: Table/Column Naming Conventions (Opinions Wanted)

    Maybe a bit late, but I'd like to toss in two cents. (Arguing about naming conventions is safer and more fun than arguing religion or politics.)

    First off, I inherited...

  • RE: Short-life data structure suggestions

    Touching on subject #1 again, here's an idea I've heard once or twice--never done it myself, though I'd like to try it some day.

    To recap, the base idea is:


  • RE: DTS Package code is blocking itself

    I actually recall this. The original designers of the system learned about this the usual (painful) way, meaning all our DTS packages have had the "maxmimum tasks executed in...

  • RE: DTS Package code is blocking itself

    The database may well be auto-growing, but that wouldn't take more than a few minutes (if that), and shouldn't be replicable. I've hit the hanging problem six times over...

  • RE: DTS Package code is blocking itself

    Yes, there is definitely more data returned by the initial select statement than usual. It's not the most ever, but definitaly in the top 5%. (The query itself...

  • RE: 10 Steps to Securing your SQL Server

    What I'd like to know is, where do you find out about these secret registry keys? I've always wanted to be able to bump the number of error logs...

  • RE: Version Control for Stored Procedures

    Another two cents on the pile...

    We use version control (VSS) to manage our stored procedures, as at least a dozen programmers might be working on them at any given time....

  • RE: Coding Standards - Part 1

    Good article. (Was that an echo?) It is always worth reading up on how other people do, let's call it "non-standardized" things, such as naming and coding conventions....

  • RE: Are you a "hunt and pecker" or a "typist"?

    Langston picked out a point I avoided. WPM on typewriters was key way back when, because a typo was really hard to fix. Even when that neat new...

  • RE: Are you a "hunt and pecker" or a "typist"?

    Another typist weighing in here. I learned touch-typing when my mother got my sister and I to attend a summer class on typing--primarily so we could survive all those...

  • RE: Where should I save my DTS packages?

    Good article (I knew those old DTS versions were piling up there, but 1.2G?!? Yow!).

    Brian mentioned having problems with 100M .DTS COM files bloating up with multiple...

Viewing 13 posts - 241 through 253 (of 253 total)