Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 253 total)

  • RE: Stored Procedure Development Cycle

    Just to mention, it is possible to set up fairly automated integration between SQL Server and Visual Source Safe using Visual Interdev. (And VSS 6 may be old, but...

  • RE: Relocating SQL Server on a cluster

    Hey, Brian's right--the (key) system files aren't on the cluster. <Golux>I knew that once, but I forgot it.</Golux>

    By the terms of our SLA, we have no access to the...

  • RE: SQL Server Security: Pros and Cons of Application Roles

    We hit another “gotcha” with connection pooling with a web application a long time back.

    The ASPs called a DLL that uses SQL authentication (I know, I know) to access the...

  • RE: Relocating SQL Server on a cluster

    I'm not concerned with our "user defined" databases--they're easy to shuffle around. (We virtually moved 40G of Production data physically across the country in under 5 minutes last year.)...

  • RE: Roles modification problem

    And it turns out they're discussing another aspect of database object ownership over in discussion thread


  • RE: Roles modification problem

    mdamera's right--both the SA login and the DBO database user are system settings and (apparently) cannot be modified... and don't need to be modified. SA can do anything whatsoever...

  • RE: Using select distinct

    This may or may not do what you're looking for, but it's a start.


    Assuming tale XXX with rows R1, R2, R3... Rn, and

    Assuming R1 is the "key"...

  • RE: What Your SP Can Return

    I've got a question on this subject.

    The base concept is that a (sub) routine will always return a value, such that

    A = f(x)


  • RE: DATETIME datatype

    I would suppose everyone who's been watching this thread got the August 1st question of the day right. Talk about timely!


  • RE: DATETIME datatype

    The way I heard it (in an article by Kalen Delaney in SQL Server magazine over a year ago), the internal storage of datetime is something like:

    DateTime: 8 bytes total


  • RE: DATETIME datatype

    Calivin, glad you found it useful. It would probably use less CPU if it used bitmasking, which was my original idea.

    I think I dropped that path because you could...

  • RE: DATETIME datatype

    I read some articles a long time back, got some whacked out ideas, and wrote this function. I remember testing it a fair amount, but I got distracted and...

  • RE: Differential backup question

    I would recommend you create each differential backup in it's own file (assuming your backing up to DISK) or it's own <whatever> assuming you're backing up to tape.

    Let's say you...

  • RE: Archiving Changed Data

    Ah, that's a slightly different approach than I was thinking. Let me spell out my idea bit more.

    First off, as per a prior post the audit table has to...

  • RE: Archiving Changed Data

    Some thoughts and questions on this subject.

    I've done something similar. I've also added a DELETE trigger, to mark in the audit log when and if the data got deleted,...

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 253 total)