Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 90 total)

  • RE: Output FTP File

    Create a File called export.csv with the same columns.

    Create a DTS Package with a datapump task that will pump the various files from your client into the export.csv file.


  • RE: IsNumeric/Converting data types

    I would imagine that 1 Function call is faster than 2.  I'm glad you've got a fix.

  • RE: Natural Sort Order

    Are the values in order in the table.  If so, maybe there is a key column you can sort off of.

  • RE: IsNumeric/Converting data types

    The 1E2 is a float data type and will not convert to an integer.


    Update Table Set IntegerField = Convert(int, Round(VarCharField,4))


    Let me know how it goes.

  • RE: package scheduling problem

    Try calling the package in the Job Step by Name instead of the GUID.  Use the following syntax:

    dtsrun /S servername /E /N PackageName /M password

  • RE: lost dts package

    Its also a good idea to Save your DTS Packages as Structured Storage Files and Store in a Code Vault such as Visual SourceSafe or StarTeam.

  • RE: Function to get "day of Quarter" in T-SQL or DTS ?

    If it does turn out you need to do it in ActiveX script, here you go:



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     x = DayOfQuater(now())

     msgbox x

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Public Function DayOfQuater(dtDayInQuarter)


  • RE: Datetime conversion in T-SQL

    You can use:


    This doesn't affect the way the date is stored in SQL server, only how it is displayed. 

  • RE: Datetime conversion in T-SQL

    Also you can use,

    convert(varchar(10),getdate(),101) = convert(varchar(10),'07/15/2004',101)

  • RE: What is that N for

    Unicode constants are specified with a leading N: N'A Unicode string'.

    Unicode supports a wider range of characters

  • RE: Problem with Parameter Assignment

    You will probably have to run your Select query prior to performing the insert and do your variable assignment here.

    For example:

    Declare @TestGradeValue smallint

    Select @TestGradeValue  = TestGrade





    From tblADRawAnswerData AD


  • RE: Problem with Parameter Assignment

    Try this:

    Alter Procedure MM_G1_SFMath_A_EOY_AUTO_sp

    @ProcessPermnum varchar(12),

    @ProcessTestShortName1 nvarchar(8)





    @TSName1 as nvarchar(8),

    @TestGradeValue smallint

    Set @TSName1 = @ProcessTestShortName1

    Insert tblMMStanTestScores

    (Grade, TestShortName, Permnum, QID, QNum, NullChk, Score, CA, SA)


    @TestGradeValue = TestGrade,

    TestShortName = @TSName1,





    WHEN SA...

  • RE: Getting Max Value from list

    Thanks, Rene, ALL.

    This solution should work nicely.


  • RE: Using a temp table in a multi user environment

    Hi Robert,

    Local Temp Tables are session aware.  So If each user has a unique session then it shouldn't be a problem.  However, If you are using COM objects in the...

  • RE: Getting Max Value from list

    The values are in multiple columns in a table.  I need a function that compares multiple values and determines the max value.  I know I'll probably end up writing my...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 90 total)