Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: Intermittent Data Corruption Problems

    Problem is getting worse!  I received a sev 24 torn page error this afternoon and a sev 21 error last night.  Luckily none of the errors resulted in corruption.

    After being...

  • RE: Trans Log Backups killing the server

    Running the transaction log backup job to write to the shared drive on the dataclstr  improved performance at noon this afternoon while the job...
  • RE: Importing Excel into SQL - some columns import as NULL

    Really interesting problem.  I don't have it but I'm glad I know about this problem now because I have work coming up that could experience this issue. 

    Thanks so much for posting...

  • RE: Trans Log Backups killing the server

    Update:  So a bunch of sat yesterday with baited breath while watching the noon trans log backup. The cpu didn't really seem that bad - it had many spikes to...

  • RE: Trans Log Backups killing the server

    Hi Rick,  Currently I'm using the native maint plan trans log backup.  That seems surprising to me that the included maint plan backup wouldn't serially run against each database.  Is...

  • RE: Trans Log Backups killing the server

    Thanks Rick!  I ran the script from kb899761 and the darn thing returned min=0, max=1, config_value=1, run_value=1.  Looks like I have AWE bug in full effect here!  Oh @#$%^@! 


  • RE: Trans Log Backups killing the server

    Now I noticed that you have a large amount of memory (16 GB) on this server.  Are you aware of the AWE bug that was introduced by the latest SQL...

  • RE: Trans Log Backups killing the server

    Thanks guys, interesting replies.  Yes, it's a high transaction environment.  I used to backup the trans logs every hour and never received complaints from...

  • RE: Physical Memory Issue/Leak?

    Thank you all for your great comments & suggestions.  I'm going to look at the things you suggested & I'll let you know how...

  • RE: Physical Memory Issue/Leak?


    So it's a "feature"... not a "bug". 

    I've read that it is "normal" behavior... however only 10k of physical memory left... that just can't...

  • RE: DBCC found errors

    Deb, Glad to hear it.  So was repair_rebuild enough to fix your errors?  We schedule a repair_rebuild job weekly so that's why I knew my errors would require repair_allow_data_loss to fix...

  • RE: DBCC found errors

    Wish I would have heard this suggestion a few weeks ago.  Oh well, live & learn.  Being a newbie and never having done what...

  • RE: SQL performance counts missing

    Well the fix worked on our other server also.  After working for 2 months with Microsoft SQL support on this issue, here is a...

  • RE: DBCC found errors


    I had this same problem a few times recently.  Close viewing of the logs & job history showed which table was having the problem.  I had to fix it during...

  • RE: SQL performance counts missing

    Just wanted to mention I've been troubleshooting this issue for a few months with Microsoft on several sql servers (registry permissions, unloads/reloads, hotfixes, etc, etc.....)  We tried so many things...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)