Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

  • RE: A Lookup Strategy Defined

    Joe Celko is very much of a purist when it comes to relational databases. If you have ever tried to adopt the code examples he provides in his books, you'll...

  • RE: A Lookup Strategy Defined

    I too use this concept very successfully. In fact I have 2 such tables, one for lookup values whose natural key is numeric, and one for values whose natural key...

  • RE: UNION into statement fails

    >One note on all this - any statement that contains a #table that

    >appears before the #table gets created, will cause the SPROC to

    >recompile on each run. It is more efficient...

  • RE: UNION into statement fails

    It doesn't work because your syntax is wrong!

    The INTO TableName clause belongs immediately after the first SELECT clause and before the first FROM clause. Thus, your example of:


  • RE: Top and Order By (Why can one change the other?)

    We all agree (don't we?) that if you don't provide an "ORDER BY" clause, you'll get your results in an arbitrary order.

    I'm now going to rephrase that statement slightly.

    If you...

  • RE: What is the search order for Procedures prefixed sp_?

    OK, but I'm still a little surprised about this outcome.

    Let's recap, using a different model.

    Suppose the following:

    - I have different versions of a stored procedure called sp_x in BOTH Master...

  • RE: What is the search order for Procedures prefixed sp_?

    Congratulations to wodom! I'd pretty well given up on this discussion since respondents either didn't seem to be reading my replies properly, or were failing to understand them.

    Indeed, since the...

  • RE: What is the search order for Procedures prefixed sp_?

    So, if I stick to my current "standard" I am OK?

    In other words:

    1) I use sp__, not sp_ (so all such procedures are grouped together)

    2) Any sp__ procedures are stored...

  • RE: What is the search order for Procedures prefixed sp_?

    I'm still in the dark on this!

    If I have an sp called sp__x in databases Master and NotMaster (and I didn't run sp_ms_marksystemobject), and I'm currently in NotMaster, then the...

  • RE: What is the search order for Procedures prefixed sp_?

    OK, having run sp_ms_marksystemobject, I get the same results as James.

    But the article was entitled 'What is the search order for Procedures prefixed sp_?'

    In that context, running sp_ms_marksystemobject is not...

  • RE: What is the search order for Procedures prefixed sp_?

    Well, my experience is absolutely the opposite of James Travis - and is exactly what I would have expected!

    Here is what I did, using Sql Server 2000 Sp2 under Windows...

  • RE: The Case for SQL Logins - Part 1

    While I agree completely with your comments about Windows authentication, I don't believe they go far enough.

    Sql Server comes in many flavours, one of which is a Desktop version. I...

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)