Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 183 total)

  • RE: First Poll for 2006

    Another Churchill one:

    "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."

  • RE: First Poll for 2006

    >>Well, except for that really excitable bloke whose name escapes me.<<

    Chris Kamara possibly?  He's fantastic... he could get excited about a short pass... "Oh wow!  He just kicked the ball...

  • RE: Decisions, Decisions

    I like the looks of the RAZR very much but others' comments above would put me off!  That and the fact Motorolla make it!

    I'm a PDA phone fan myself, and...

  • RE: Why Steve Jones'''' Editorials Suck

    Agree with David and bond007.  There is SQL Server content in all other parts of the newsletter, the articles being the first item and probably the most content.

    I see the...

  • RE: Parent child relation qry

    Try this initially (quick and dirty solution). It will work for the data you have (noted typo on chidambaram/chidamabram on your INSERTs), however not if you had another level...

  • RE: group by week problem

    SELECT (((8 - @@DATEFIRST) % 7) + 1)

    It's a mouthful but it will give you the weekday Monday falls on based on whatever the @@DATEFIRST setting is.

    Just plug that in...

  • RE: counting rows and getting averages

    You'd need separate queries, e.g.

    SELECT Color, COUNT(*)

    FROM tbl_socks

    GROUP BY Color

    SELECT Type, COUNT(*)

    FROM tbl_socks

    GROUP BY Type

    The percentages are probably best applied by the ASP script.

  • RE: The Best Kept Secret About SQL Query Analyzer

    Just something to add actually: a possible pitfall (when using Method 1 at least).  I have a table with a key that is a CHAR(18) and its data are something like this:



  • RE: The Best Kept Secret About SQL Query Analyzer

    I've been using "Data > Text to Columns" for years...

    Such a simple little thing, but it will save some time.


    Mark Hickin: I like...

  • RE: Some of your dopiest (sp) Newbie goof ups

    Once, whilst performing some fairly straightforward permissions changes on a data warehouse server (SQL7) that also ran IIS (and the permission changes were to do with IIS), when I okayed...

  • RE: The Great Uproar

    I'm off to the pub shortly.  I'll buy you both a virtual pint.

    Best we don't talk...

  • RE: The Great Uproar

    Hey - sushila - I'm posting on another (UK, completely unrelated) forum at the moment and the same thing goes on there.  It's human nature!

  • RE: The Great Uproar

    I think I've still missed the point of that post... Chuck: I don't disagree with you.

  • RE: The Great Uproar

    As you (David) no doubt know... try starting a conversation about religion in Northern Ireland...

    A company I worked for that had a few...

  • RE: A rant on business communications...

    Check out this site:

    One that bothers me a lot is e.g. and i.e..  As others have said, mis-use of apostrophes always bothers me, as does there/their/they're.

    Oh, and affect and...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 183 total)