Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 183 total)

  • RE: Biz#

    "Sharp" is correct, though Biz# is "Biz hash" or "Biz pound sign" or "Biz number sign" depending where you are from.

    The correct representation is with the sharp sign rather than the...

  • RE: Brits Make Good Hackers

    Of course if we wanted to get picky about it, I could complain about the spelling of behaviour!

  • RE: Brits Make Good Hackers

    Very true.  I thought "technically skilled, slightly disrespectful of authority, and just a touch of criminal behavior" summed us up very nicely, thanks!

  • RE: Gadget Day

    Now that sounds like it would be fun when out walking the dog... and walking past people's houses...

    ... or (in the UK at least) in the bookies, when a horse...

  • RE: Gadget Day

    Cool – a transparent toaster!  Until you read, “Unfortunately, the glass does not reach a high enough temperature — at this time — to actually toast the bread.”.  Hmm…...

  • RE: The Database Debate

    Interesting point re product price vs. salaries.  Perhaps those recruiting see the product as more complex.

    Of course, if there is a shortage in supply of PostgreSQL DBAs, then economically that...

  • RE: select record based on latest update date

    Is the latest date always going to have the highest class?

    If so:

    SELECT id, MAX(class), MAX(date)

    FROM table

    GROUP BY id

    If that rule doesn't hold though, you'll get spurious results.

  • RE: A Live Node

    >> Oh those poor sheep…. <<

    I hope you're not accusing me of being Welsh!

  • RE: A Live Node

    I went away for two weeks last July to the Isle of Mull (one of the Inner Hebrides just off the coast of Scotland).

    I stayed in a cottage with no...

  • RE: A Live Node

    Unfortunately, despite being illegal, it's still widespread over here.  It's currently just a £30 fine with no penalty points added to your licence, so not much of a deterrent.

    However in...

  • RE: A Live Node

    Is it legal to use your phone whilst driving in the US?  In the UK it was made illegal a couple of years ago to use a handheld phone whilst...

  • RE: A Live Node

    Thanks for that, Steve.  I read the article whilst reviewing a new policy for my boss!


    Check out this TV commercial being run...

  • RE: The Pitfalls of Foreign Keys

    >> Whether to use RI in production is a BUSINESS decision and not a technical one. <<

    Absolute rubbish.  It's part of the relational model... how is that a business decision?...

  • RE: The Pitfalls of Foreign Keys

    Interesting consideration, but of course with no DRI your database is not a relational database, just a convenient collection of tables written to by applications.  (You could potentially gain more...

  • RE: Four Rules for NULLs

    I use one of his quotes in my signature in another forum:

    "If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer; and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly."

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 183 total)