Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 183 total)

  • RE: Return of the users from hell!

    Yet again, I think I've either met...

  • RE: Date issue

    Here you go, two functions - the comments should give you enough info to use them, or use the concept in another application.  The first function returns a datetime corresponding to...

  • RE: How to align selection of numbers?

    SQL Server does not format results to the left or right - this is dependant on what you're displaying the results in.  For example, when Query Analyzer returns the results...

  • RE: Returning a RID

    I assume you mean no unique identifier and hence cannot differentiate between rows?

    What about extracting the data to a temp table, eliminating duplicates in the SELECT process (i.e. SELECT DISTINCT),...

  • RE: Passing multiple values to a Stored Procedure

    Can you pass this list as a comma-delimted string e.g. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7"?

    If so, you could use

    CREATE PROC dbo.spProc

    @inputstring varchar(8000)


    EXEC('SELECT name FROM table WHERE id IN('+@inputstring+')')



  • RE: Select Where IN or nested?

    This depends on what columns form the primary key (all have "ID" in so this is ambiguous).

    If all 3 columns form the primary key, then AH's won't necessarily work because...

  • RE: DTS Failing when run as a job

    Can you get a more detailed error message by right-clicking the job in EM, selecting "View job history...", check "Show step details" and selecting the step that failed.

    This should display...

  • RE: What is the Best Way for Comparing Datetime value in SQLSERVER 2000?

    I have never used 121 format but according to BOL it is format:

    yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)

    This obviously includes time.  You say in your first post "in my application  I...

  • RE: User Accounts

    AFAIK that should definitely not happen - especially between two databases on the same server.  I use a similar user for my web apps to access their databases and this...

  • RE: Constraint Questions

    Either enforce it in the front-end app or (assuming this is not an option) use a trigger.

    Using the trigger you can alter the data from the inserted table to conform...

  • RE: Is there a way to change from Upper Case to Proper Case?

    Apparently not.  You can do pretty much everything but proper case in SQL Server.

    Does it need to be in proper case in the database or can you convert to proper...

  • RE: What is the Best Way for Comparing Datetime value in SQLSERVER 2000?

    My SQL Servers are configured to DD/MM/YYYY format yet still interpret dates as MM/DD/YYYY when passed as strings and converted to datetime.

    See my post RE: Date Search for an...

  • RE: Simple Varchar Sizing Question (SQL 7.0)

    As far as I'm aware, from a storage point of view, no it doesn't really matter.  SQL Server will not pad out a varchar column and hence it will only...

  • RE: Date issue

    @@datefirst returns the current setting for first day of the week, as set by SET DATEFIRST.  Values are 1 = Monday and so on through to...

  • RE: Date issue

    I have written a function to check if a date value is a working day or not (used for an employee leave application, working out days absent, so should be...

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 183 total)