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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 183 total)

  • Reply To: Need Split delimiter string into columns Solution

    Crikey, this is a blast from the past. I wouldn't write it like that now!

  • RE: Default trace - high read activity on disk

    Thanks, Jeff. I will have another scout about for any other software and will try pausing/disabling Idera (or stopping its services on the server it runs on) to see if...

  • RE: Default trace - high read activity on disk

    We are running Idera's SQL Diagnostic Manager and we also have some Red Gate software, but I was under the impression that Idera used extended events and if not it...

  • RE: Conversion syntax error

    Thanks. Modified it to this and it worked. 🙂

    SELECT CAST(COALESCE(Workstage,0) AS INT) AS JobNumber, FullDocID, TotalInvoiced

    FROM (

    SELECT CASE WHEN PCTX.Workstage LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' THEN PCTX.Workstage ELSE NULL END AS Workstage,...

  • RE: Conversion syntax error

    Thanks. I thought that might work, but it didn't! I get exactly the same error. :crazy:

    I know where the row is that causes the problem - it only...

  • RE: Conversion syntax error

    Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Could it be a bug or something in the nuances of how the query is constructed for execution?

  • RE: Conversion syntax error

    steveb (10/23/2008)

    If jobNumber is a var char then this code will not work at all

    SELECT * FROM vw_Job_Invoices_And_Credits WHERE JobNumber = 503875

    You will need to add quotes to the Jobnumber


  • RE: Linked server/SQL odd behaviour


    One of the ranges missing is objID between 1886 and 1893 (inclusive). I can select individual rows, and ranges of rows, as a subset, between 1886 and 1892 but...

  • RE: Four Rules for NULLs

    Paul Nicklin (3/28/2008)

    ..yes I thought about that as I wrote it - however there are many places where you don't want to create a link table as the relationship is...

  • RE: Four Rules for NULLs

    Paul Nicklin (3/28/2008)

    If you knew the person was unemployed you'd have to put NULL in current_employer_id

    The alternative is "special" values in your table "Not Employed".. apply that to every relation...

  • RE: Replacing characters

    UPDATE [TableName]

    SET [ColumnName] = '44' + RIGHT([ColumnName], LEN([ColumnName]) - 1)


    WHERE [ColumnName] LIKE '0%'

    ...if not all entries begin with 0 and so you need to restrict to the ones that do,...

  • RE: SQLServer Agent acting screwy

    Does this only happen from your machine or does it happen from others or if you RDP to the box and use EM from there? Have you tried re-installing...

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

    Sorted this - downloaded SQL Server 2000 evaluation edition from the Microsoft website and used that to install the client tools, which don't seem to be restricted.

  • RE: Calculating Work Days

    Thanks Jeff... I'd never considered that approach.  So simple it's brilliant.

  • RE: Calculating Work Days


    Have you (or anyone!) come across the issue of linking to a date table on date when the date table has dates with times 00:00:00 and the dates you are...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 183 total)