Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: The College Experience

    I'm in the UK, so substitute "university" for "college" if it helps...

    I did go to university, graduated with a good degree and tried to get a job just when the...

  • RE: A New (and Hopefully Better) Approach to Constants

    I would've thought a simple view would be OK for the previous example, and hard-code the "3" in it. This view can then be used everwhere, thus there should only...

  • RE: What''s an Outage?

    I think everyone's getting a bit confused with "outages" from different perspectives;

    1) From a user's point-of-view, an outage simply involves them being unable to use the system at all.

    2) For...

  • RE: Oh Lawd, it''s the end of the world

    Surely using the Chris Rock, you'd need to get copyright clearance to use it?


    BTW: Why can't they sell windows servers? I don't see the significance nor the "end of the...

  • RE: Unethical or Just Sneaky?

    As both a customer and a programmer, I'm of the opinion that programs should NEVER do anything like this WITHOUT telling the end-user - even if it's a "currently installing 'xyz'...

  • RE: Recruiters

    My first two commercial jobs were through normal ads. The manager at my second job was dead set against recruiters and refused even to listen to any.

    For my third, (and...

  • RE: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

    As a programmer heavily involved in database development, I normally avoid dynamic SQL within any code, but I've used plenty of it within stored procedures, which seem to give you the...

  • RE: What''s an Outage?

    My definition would be; if one or more users are unable to use any part of the system, because of a problem with the system itself.

    [If they're able to only...

  • RE: Interns

    Not quite the same as an internship, (we don't really have those here in the UK any more though my parents both did internships when they were my sort of...

  • RE: The 800lb Gorilla

    I always thought that the only reason Microsoft releases so much stuff was because of the court cases, especially those in europe, where they were ordered to allow more inter-operability...

  • RE: Idiosyncrasy

    Sounds like most of the examples listed are more like habits than anything else, which I find everyone has plenty of.

    I'm guilty of far too many; I like to keep...

  • RE: Portability

    The most important thing to get portability, (from a theoretical POV as I've never done it myself), is to identify what changes between platforms and stick them in a substitutable...

  • RE: The Differences Between SQL Server 2000 and 2005 - Part 2

    The one difference I was hoping for was an auto-complete facility like you get in Visual Studio. In my opinion, it's so long overdue that people might forget about even...

  • RE: The May Car Update

    I bought myself a diesel, (1.8 litre turbo diesel focus actually), as I was doing a lot of driving to and from work, (100+ miles per day). Thankfully it's less...

  • RE: The Microsoft Religion

    "Nobody else has tackled getting their OS to work on 98%+ of the PC hardware in the world".

    I always thought that 98% of the PC hardware was designed to work...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)