Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Why Are There So Many Editions?

    "SQL Server Flying Pigs" version - one that does everything you want/need without crashing.

  • RE: Happy President's Day 2009

    I'm from the UK, so it's just like any other day to me, so no holiday. On the other hand, I didn't know the US has so few bank holidays,...

  • RE: The Value of Your Time

    As an example for inappropriate use of resources. At a previous job, the IT manager was also responsible for changing light-bulbs and putting in new plumbing when we took over...

  • RE: Global Warming and Business Intelligence

    First off, according to the definition of an ice age, we're still in one. Off the top of my head, it's defined as when the earth has polar ice caps.


  • RE: The Oscars

    If we're talking about all-time favourites, then can I mention a few lesser-known films;


    Fight Club

    Very specialised ones, so I won't be surprised if there's plenty of people who don't like...

  • RE: The Oscars

    Kung-Fu Hustle is at least a few years old, (2004?), so are we talking films that've been released in the last year, or just those we've seen in the past...

  • RE: No More Lottery

    I think there'll still be start-ups in this economic downturn, (as I don't want to use the "r" word just yet...), it's just become a lot harder for those new...

  • RE: How Would You Rate This? - Database Weekly (Dec 29, 2008)

    The biggest problem, in my opinion, with Microsoft, (and probably a fair number of other large companies), is a lack of openness and information about important things that us users...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    As an aside, what does it say on Steve's t-shirt? Maybe it's because I don't watch the videos, but it's unreadable on the picture.

  • RE: The New Year - 2009

    As I've already broken my first resolution, I reckon I'm well on the way for 2009...

  • RE: The New Year - 2009

    I predict that I won't make any predictions. Blast, there goes my 100% accuracy record. 😉

    On a similar note, my plan for 2009 new year's resolutions is to resolve not...

  • RE: Data Farming

    When it comes to bad data, I've signed up for a few things in my time, entering name/address etc. It amazes me that even though I'd written my surname clearly,...

  • RE: Happy Birthday

    My ideal present is something that makes me automatically say "wow", (in a good way!), rather than having to force a "thanks" out after examining it for some time.

    Doesn't matter...

  • RE: Knock, Knock…Who's There?

    Shaun McGuile (25/7/2008)

    😀 USA Cool -



    Sky scrappers,

    Computers are british, sorry. You lot popularised them but we got there first, and the same thing happened with the aeroplane. (Yes, I'm british).


  • RE: The Build Buy Debate

    Most of my development experience is creating in-house solutions, but have had my fair share of "buy-ins" on both sides.

    My instincts say that for any internal processes or business-specific requirements,...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)