Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    Being a .NET dev for 5 years, at last, something I can talk about!

    Anyway, are we talking about the language or the development environment?

    If it's the former, I'm surprised no-one's...

  • RE: Building an API

    Jeff Moden (8/5/2009)

    Just an opinion, but I'd have to say that comes from too many hands in the pot that don't know the simple way of doing things and, possibly,...

  • RE: Building an API

    As this conversation seems to be a load of people, (me included), agreeing with the use of stored procs, etc., to build a layer between applications and the DB, I'd...

  • RE: Building an API

    Aaron: My point about the class alternative was that it's just that; an alternative. You could use either, actually I normally use both, (database objects and classes), as they both...

  • RE: Building an API

    Although you don't need to use stored procs to have an API - us developers, (yes I am one), also have utility classes that provide the same sort of abstraction;...

  • RE: Making Demands

    My first demand would be simple; money. 🙂

  • RE: Intruding into Dummy Websites

    As for the "dummy site" idea, I'd guess that if it was a public website then there'd be some sort of disclaimer saying that anyone has permission to hack the...

  • RE: Intruding into Dummy Websites

    don_goodman (6/2/2009)

    24 million Texans are skillfully armed and there are only about 10,000 Brits in the military and police(just guessing) and they likely don't know how to shoot. The rest...

  • RE: Intruding into Dummy Websites

    Perhaps we can have multiple databases, each of which demonstrate a different "level" of security. E.g. for SQL injection, one could have none at all, the next could include just...

  • RE: How Do You Find a DBA?

    Behind the sofa? That's where you find most things isn't it... 😉

    Seriously, although not a DBA nor a hirer, I'd work out how much time I'd have and pick a...

  • RE: Checking Up on Developers

    A few examples I've seen personally, (some of which have already been mentioned);

    1) Thinking that cursors are a perfectly reasonable thing. (Overheard someone say "I didn't realise cursors were bad").


  • RE: Falling Over our Assumptions

    Two I can think of;

    "Dynamic SQL is always better than stored procedures".


    "Stored procedures are always better than dynamic SQL".

    Oh, and a bonus one that I've seen in practice is the...

  • RE: Annoyances

    My biggest annoyance is people talking to themselves. Either out loud or whispering, it doesn't matter, it's just too distracting because you think they could be talking to you.

  • RE: Chargeback

    I can understand that you need to track what's spent in what department, (for reviewing purposes), but my point was more that I don't see why these figures must be...

  • RE: Chargeback

    I can't see why companies insist on defining fixed budgets and making every department stick to them. How can they predict what equipment any department needs in any 12 months?...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)