Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 1,346 total)

  • RE: Eliminate Duplicate rows

    >>It does not matter which row to keep and which row to avoid.

    OK. So, for these 2, maybe you can answer some very specific questions to get this wrapped...

  • RE: Data Import Problem

    With Excel datasources, DTS reads the first N rows of the sheet to sample the data and makes assumptions about the data. Sorry, can't recall what number N is, but...

  • RE: View always sorts by PK ????

    Views should not contain an Order By.

    If you need a resultset to be ordered a certain way, always use an Order By on your Select statement.


  • RE: Differences in these two operators

    >>is there any possibilities of getting more than one row

    It depends. w_id is the primary key of a table.

    Your sub-query selects from a view. Since we don't know what your...

  • RE: Differences in these two operators

    >>IS there any hidden difference in replacing IN operator with = operators in these queries ?

    Yes, there is a difference and it depends on the subquery:

    SELECT cl_re_to_id from v_weeks...

  • RE: ORDER BY in Views and Table Functions not working

    >>Records are inserted into the Return table in order, and when the table function is called it appears to provide the records in that same order.

    This will come...

  • RE: SQL2000 Fast Query Slow Insert

    To add to the good advice already posted ...

    >> I stripped it bare trying to eliminate all possible suspects.

    Does "bare" include dropping all indexes ?

    Are there any other concurrent processes using...

  • RE: ORDER BY in Views and Table Functions not working

    Inability to use ORDER BY in a view in SQL2K5 highlights the danger of building a solution on something that "works, but is unsupported".

    SQL2000 and earlier versions should never have...

  • RE: Trigger Not Processing All Records

    What sort of DTS task is this ? Data Transformation ? Data-driven Query ?

    If in doubt, turn on SQL Profiler and see what SQL statements are being sent to the...

  • RE: Trigger Not Processing All Records

    >>The insert occurs in a DTS package, I'll have to go check.....

    I would guess it's auto-committing every 1000 rows (the default in DTS), which is why you're seeing that behaviour.


  • RE: Grouping by min/max in a series

    Does column Code contain unique ascending sequence of values ?

  • RE: Trigger Not Processing All Records

    Is the insert of 200K records going in as 1 batch, so that all 200K records are in the 'inserted' virtual table ?

    Or are they individual inserts, 1 record at...

  • RE: Trigger Not Processing All Records

    You truncated DailyAccountsDownload.

    But you didn't truncate DailyAccountsDownload_Tracking, right ?

    So, presumably your LEFT JOIN on DailyAccountsDownload_Tracking only evaluated "WHERE hs.MMS IS NULL" to TRUE on 25,000 of the records. Apparently the...

  • RE: MAX() aggregate function with NULLS

    Select ClientID,


      Case When max_date_out = '01 Jan 2079' Then Null Else max_date_out End

    From (

      Select ClientID,

        Min(date_in) As min_date_in,

        Max(IsNull(date_out, '01 Jan 2079')) As...

  • RE: trigger did not work.

    If the INSERT worked standalone, maybe the IF statement is "iffy" ?

    Speaking of which, you never need to COUNT() an entire resultset, if all you care about is that the...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 1,346 total)