Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 1,346 total)

  • RE: Is this box underpowered?

    Do you have the 'Lock Pages in Memory' permission granted to the SQL service account ?

    That can be a known performance problem on 64 bit SQL2005, if the OS is...

  • RE: Common Mistakes in T-SQL

    I'll take a break from gnashing my teeth & swearing at the original coder to add my common mistake:

    Frequent use of DISTINCT to hide a fundamental design flaw and/or hide...

  • RE: To case or not case

    Yep, both definitely better than my solution, avoiding the Replace() and any performance penalty.

  • RE: To case or not case

    Because the requirement is:

    >>I need one space between each value when it exists.

    If a value is NULL and you replace with a space, you then have 3 spaces between...

  • RE: To case or not case

    Instead of replacing the NULL values with an empty string, replace with some character string that does not occur in the data, then use REPLACE() to remove that character string...

  • RE: Case in a join statement

    [EDIT] Nevermind, I see I need to drink a gallon of coffee to keep up with this thread. Removed redundant repost of solutions posted while I as typing.

  • RE: decode pl/sql

    The || operator is string concat, so replace with + in SQL.

    Function nvl() is replaced with IsNull() (or Coalesce() )

    To_Char is replaced with convert() and 1 of the MSSQL...

  • RE: compacting a numbered list

    Check BOL on Rank()

    Select Num, Rank() Over( Order By num ) As NumberSequence

    From #temp

    Order By num

  • RE: Problem in function

    It's amazing how much procedural code you can write when you're trying to avoid thinking in sets:

    CREATE TABLE #tbl_registers (uid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)


  • RE: Conditional JOIN in a view possible?

    It's easy enough to test with a couple of temp tables. Results are equivalent between the Coalesce & Union. So check the query plan on each and implement whichever costs...

  • RE: Conditional JOIN in a view possible?

    It's not a UNION. It's a UNION ALL.

    Different query plan, no need for an expensive sort to eliminate dupes.

  • RE: Conditional JOIN in a view possible?

    Why not just have 2 statements and a UNION ALL ? The INNER JOIN ensures the sets are mutually exclusive (assuming your rule that a record can't be in both...

  • RE: Re: Static vs. Dynamic SQL for dynamic filtering

    The primary concern is performance, versus maintainability & prevention of SQL injection attacks, right ?

    Any SQL like this:

    WHERE (col_a = @a OR @a IS NULL) AND...

  • RE: Re: Indexing a many-to-many join table

    Typically never a non-clustered on only 1 column - in a many-to-many intersection table, an index on just 1 of the columns would never be selective enough to be considered.


  • RE: Re: Indexing a many-to-many join table

    As always, the answer is "it depends".

    Depends on volume of Insert/Update/Delete activity on the table versus Select.

    Depends on how the data is typically accessed ie, always looking at the possible...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 1,346 total)