Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 64 total)

  • RE: T-SQL and The Excel Solver


    Thanks, but unfortunately, I can't post any specific examples of our calculations.  The data itself would not be meaningful without the calculations that produced them, and I can't post these...

  • RE: T-SQL and The Excel Solver

    Hi everyone and thanks for your comments.

    Unfortunately I clearly didn't define my problem clearly enough because we seem to have gone on to a side issue questioning the database design, rather...

  • RE: How To Get Hired

    Whilst I obviously agree that you want your CV and covering letter to be as accurate and impressive as possible, I was a little surprised over the very narrow band...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 11 Sep 2006

    Still doesn't seem to be corrected.  Oh well...

  • RE: MIN() and MAX() issues

    I wonder if it could be caused by a badly fragmented index?   Perhaps because of the physical position of the max records on the disk it is able to find...

  • RE: Help! I cannot edit or run any DTS that I created!

    Steve, Bernard, thanks for your answers.  I managed to fix the problem by un-registering the server in Enterprise Manager and the re-registering it under the name (local) rather than the...

  • RE: Validation queries running too long

    What I usually do when hit with a problem like this is to first work out which bit of the procedure is taking the most time.  I do this by putting...

  • RE: trying use a cursor to update a table

    In your code, the variable @cont_descCursor is undefined.  Perhaps that is the source of your problem.

  • RE: display message while grid and text runing stored procedur

    Your stored procedure has returns 2 resultsets:

    Select unit, JobCCNO,  [FULL NAME], SSN, EMPLNO ,[Unit Desc],  Department, Manager     from dbo.WinEmp

    select *  from dbo.WinEmp  E ....etc

    So in grid mode, 2 grids are...

  • RE: Insert Row Count

    You could use a trigger to get the row count e.g.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RowCounts] (

     [MyID] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,

     [Counter] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TRIGGER [CountRows] ON [dbo].[RowCounts]


  • RE: What Would Keep You?

    My job is fairly dull a lot of the time with bouts of overwork and panic, and not particularly well paid. But, I get to work from home almost everyday, which...

  • RE: Joining on datetimes but ignoring the time part

    You could use the Convert function to format the date as a string which does not include the time:


    WHERE Convert(varchar,,103) = Convert(varchar,,103)

  • RE: Linking Access to SQL Server

    One think I particularly like is that you can cut and paste into (or from) Excel.  I often have to send adhoc data samples in excel to our test team...

  • RE: SQL 2005 Performance - Do your apps run faster than in SQL 2000?

    Thanks everyone, looks like the first thing we will do is get more memory, and some more disk and then move the data and logs to separate file systems.

  • RE: SQL 2005 Performance - Do your apps run faster than in SQL 2000?

    Thanks for your thoughts Mike, I had been wondering if moving the databases around might give us a boost, certainly I have found that having tempdb on a different array to...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 64 total)