Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 91 through 100 (of 100 total)

  • RE: Getting info fromthe DTS object model

    Your information was great.  Thanks very much for your help.

  • RE: Getting info fromthe DTS object model

    Changed the code and received the same error.  However if  I do the following it works:

    Dim oPackage      

    Set oPackage=DTSGlobalVariables.Parent  

    Dim oTask

    Set oTask=oPackage.("DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1")

    -->I removed ".Tasks"

    That doesn't seem right.  Eventually I want...

  • RE: Execute DTS from a Stored Procedure???

    Not a pretty solution but:

    you could have a table on your sql server that takes an insert statement from the application via ODBC.  Have a job step check the value...

  • RE: Execute DTS from a Stored Procedure???

    You could consider executing from the command line using dtsrunui or dtsrun straight from the command line.

    Books online:

    How to execute a DTS package using the DTS Run utility (Command...

  • RE: Need Help

    Not sure if I follow completely.  How about some sample data from your source and some data for the desired outcome (target).

  • RE: recompile objects

    For sp's:


    Causes stored procedures and triggers to be recompiled the next time they are run.


    sp_recompile [ @objname = ] 'object'

    -Not familiar with recompiling views or udf's

  • RE: calling a stored procedure

    DO you want something like this:



    SELECT @Value = MAX(date) FROM

    --this can be any logic you want including complex IF logic


    declare @Value numeric

    exec return_example @value=@value...

  • RE: Unable to browse the cube. Unspecified error.

    I got this to work.  If anyone is interested this is how I did it.

    1)  Rename old msolap80.dll (precaution only) to msolap80.dll.replace

    location should be something like:  C:\program files\common files\system\ole db


  • RE: Dynamic Properties Task

    Set 4 different global variables to a string type with a value for a .UDL file location on the server. (Example value: C:\DTS\Source 1.udl)

    To create a UDL file,...

  • RE: Previous not null value

    Are you deriving the totals on a rolling basis or are they stored. Also, does the total continue to aggregate? Anyway I can see a sample small sample...

Viewing 10 posts - 91 through 100 (of 100 total)