Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 100 total)

  • RE: Help with UPDATE query

    ..I agree, swap the or for an and....I rewrote the code below and tested it with a positive outcome.


    IF EXISTS(SELECT patient.F00069, patient.F00026, patient.F01298, patient.F01299, patient.F01300

    FROM patient INNER JOIN

    tumor ON patient.UK...

  • RE: DTS Execute Permissions

    minimum:  they will need at least db_reader and db_writer and own the dts package.  they will not be able to execute the package as a job.  That is a sysadmin role...

  • RE: ROLAP Dimension?

    you bet, if you need more info or a better example ( I know that's a lot of info thrown at you) let me know.  I have run full relational...

  • RE: ROLAP Dimension?

    The key is how each are stored.  ROLAP doesn't change the storage source - as it exists in your relational table it is used for queries.  MOLAP makes a...

  • RE: ROLAP Dimension?

    ROLAP:  refers to a relational database design.  Typical design methodology follows a star schemas for data storage and relation.  Open relational designs allow unlimited scalability by raw db size and...

  • RE: DTS package wont run

    One quick note:  don't forget to check the permissions for your SQL Server service.  When you execute manually, the package is run under your credentials.  Conversely, when scheduled the package...

  • RE: Configuring Outlook 2003 on Server 2000

    There is a great reference for SQL Mail on this site.  Go to search type sql mail and choose the article by Steve Jones for SQL Mail Resources.  Great tips.



  • RE: Problem converting Money data type to Float data type

    I would first reconsider storing your data as a float if you care for very precise number storage.

    However, if you have no choice you can try using this hack to...

  • RE: DTS job scheduling problem

    I would do a quick check on connections for user (and in this case server) privledges.  Easy to forget that through EM everything is executed under your account and not...

  • RE: using a sub sql with expression

    You could do this with some type of variable, but I would recommend using IDENTITY for an incremental ID column.

  • RE: Sp_renamedb

    You could place the db in single user mode and then execute. 

    alter db command or through enterprise manager.

  • RE: Using a stored procedure to dynamically create a table

    slip this in front of your create table statement:


    declare @TABLENAME varchar(50) 

    set @TABLENAME= ?(However you're creating table names)

    if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[@TABLENAME]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,...

  • RE: Basic Administration

    sp_help tablename  gives information on tables.

  • RE: Handling a DTS packages errors

    This may not work for you but..

    How about putting in a line "On error" that will step to another successful piece of script.

    Very simple example:

    Function Main()

     'Below is all your code


  • RE: Handling a DTS packages errors

    I would look into building an error trap within your VB Script routine.  This way it will handle the success or failure of finding the file but not report the...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 100 total)