Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 53 total)

  • RE: select for delete

    Optimization is not easy and really depends on your application an needs. You can change the isolation level (see books online and refer to the SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL command...

  • RE: how to delete a global temp table

    You did replace ##temptablename with the name of the table that you see in your database, right? For Example ##MyTable?

  • RE: how to delete a global temp table


    The steps should NOT HAVE deleted anything. They were supposed to return results. Please post these results so I can better see what's going on. That was the reason for...

  • RE: Records with lower case in DB

    Can you paste you SQL stamtment here?

  • RE: Release of S locks

    I have read the SQL architecture books several times and cannot recall any lock coverage in granular details, which is what you are looking for. Very interesting question. I would...

  • RE: Release of S locks

    I don't believe that the above is correct. The shared locks will not be released in the example below (which is not issued from a query but from an INSERT...

  • RE: separate space delimite field

    You got the parameters in the CHARINDEX backwards. THe space should be the first param.

  • RE: Date filter

    If you'd like to dig into the speed problems with this particular column- can you please post the DDL (schema) of the table?

  • RE: Date filter

    What is the data type for the ProdDate column?

    How about using the following statement instead? There is no need to convert datetime back to itself and the 102 doesn't help...

  • RE: Combine Two Columns to create a unique key cluster

    Do you understand how b-trees work?

    Look at the b-trees and SQL architecture in the following best-practices presentation:

    You can get it in other places on the web. This presentation...

  • RE: Date filter

    How are you filtering the data? Can you please post the T-SQL statement(s)?

  • RE: Generate script for data

    "It DID sound like a shameless plug... "

    All is fair in love and war... (Francais Edward Smedley)

  • RE: Inserting Only Unique Records

    The problem posted above says that there are 5 cols that uniquely identify each row EXCEPT for one row that has dups (i.e., values...

  • RE: how to delete a global temp table

    Yes to all, but there may be simpler solutions.

    Can you please run the following SQL statements and post the results?



    SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TempTableName')

    2. Run the below and see if anything...

  • RE: Inserting Only Unique Records

    Hmm... What about the insertion of 1 row among all duplicate rows? That's where the challenge is

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 53 total)