Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 96 total)

  • RE: Table relationship

    Thanks for your information, I could sort out the problem of modifying the table in question. However, I am still trying to solve the following issue:

    A colleague migrated the original...

  • RE: Table relationship

    Thanks a lot. This was a very good hint. I noticed that I have at least 50 objects (stored procedures and views) that are dependent on the table I have...

  • RE: Table relationship

    Thanks a lot. I'll give it a try.



  • RE: MSDE

    Thanks indeed


  • RE: Compare databases & TABLES

    Thanks a lot! The interesting issue that the two databases are not on the same instance. DB1 and DB2 are in separate instances.


  • RE: Compare databases & TABLES

    Thanks indeed for your response. In fact my interest is to know whether or not the data in Tables (DB1) and Tables(DB2) were the same. Both in DB1 and DB2,...

  • RE: Default instance

    Thanks indeed. You saved my time looking around for other sources.

  • RE: How to find total size of all databases

    I tried the following, nonetheless it returns NULL

    you can also use this query ....

    select CAST(CAST(sum(size) * 8192 / 1048576 AS DECIMAL(10, 2) ) AS VARCHAR(20)) + 'MB' from sys.master_files where...

  • RE: How to find total size of all databases

    Thanks indeed. I will try to work myself into the script and try it.



  • RE: How to find total size of all databases

    Thanks indeed. That's quite good, and yet I would like to know the sum of all db_size, gran sum so to say.



  • RE: Registering servers in MS SSQL 2005


    Thanks indeed. I have to double check the rights on the remote server and return to you.

    Your hints were useful, as they got me started with more digging into the...

  • RE: Registering servers in MS SSQL 2005


    I do not get what you meant by access to service states. In fact I have admin role on the remote servers too and I have unlimited control over all...

  • RE: Registering servers in MS SSQL 2005

    Thanks for your message. In fact I am using windows authentication mode for all my servers. Connection isn't a problem at all, but I want to see the green arrow.


  • RE: Perfmon


    Does perfmon support MSDE at all? Which versions (edition) SQL server support perfmon?

    Would appreciate if anyone could give me a hint on this.


  • RE: Deadlocks rate

    Hi, all,

    Thanks to all who gave me useful hints on how to work out this problem. I will try all your suggestions soon.


Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 96 total)