Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: very simple function won''''t work

    I typed the function back up this morning, and it now works perfectly. No idea what i did differently, probably a stupid mistake somewhere. The user i'm using...

  • RE: greatest(a,b,...) function

    well, i'm impressed, but it's getting a bit more complicated than i originally had in mind. : /

    think it'll be easiest to go with JLK's original solution, but the other...

  • RE: greatest(a,b,...) function

    James: your function worked. i tried to modify it so that it actually could accept a variable number of parameters by passing a single varchar containing all values separated...

  • RE: trouble with aggegate functions

    Thanks Tomm ...but that's what i was afraid of...

    as i said in my original post, i'd rather not use a subselect in my from clause, but if that's the only...

  • RE: trouble with aggegate functions

    Hi, thanks for your post, sorry about the delay in mine.

    i just have two concerns:

    1) how would i run this type of function from a query? for example, if...

  • RE: trouble with aggegate functions


    trainreqs table looks like:

    cliet-char(50) type-char(10) grp(int) hrs(int)


    CLI1 type1 ...

  • RE: Odd SQL query isnt working

    screw it. writing this into a single query is taking too much time, so i'm giving up and writing this into a stored procedure that'll create a temp table....

  • RE: Odd SQL query isnt working

    A temp table would probably work, but unfortunately due to restrictions, i can't make one. I'm also working in a single query, not a stored procedure, so i can't...

  • RE: Odd SQL query isnt working

    its actually grabbing information about how far an employee has gotten in their training form both calculated records (based on employee's past shifts) and the information users enter manually...lots of...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)