Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 150 total)

  • RE: Eliminating Empty Space


    Did you try using the textboxes inside a rectange control? I tried the same here on my box, and it seems like, if we keep the textboxes inside a...

  • RE: How to hide the Datasets folder


    Yes.. correct. Please use the same to make the dataset folder invisible.

    Sorry, didnt ask you the version earlier. 🙂



  • RE: Display Quoted Text in SQL Report


    Please try this expression -


    Let me know, if it helps.



  • RE: How to hide the Datasets folder


    What I understood from your post is to make the data sources folder (deployed on a report server) invisible to users.

    You can perform the settings in report manager (as...

  • RE: subreports stopped working


    You must have checked though -

    Is the datasource/dataset reachable for that individual sub report?

    Is the parameter being passed is still wroking on an individual sub report and is...

  • RE: Limit no of values selected for Multi-valued parameters

    Hi Sweta,

    I tried building your scenario and found something which could be a possible solution for you.

    Report Scenario -

    Well, our aim is to restrict users from selecting values of...

  • RE: How to get the Label Field from a parameter


    I tried this with a scenario...(Hope..I am not missing anything here..but do let me know..if my understanding is not correct :)...)

    -- Created a dataset1 (for parameter) with query 'select empid,...

  • RE: Caching/Clearing Parameters

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the explanation. 🙂

    Definitely, I'll try to solve this issue on my end.

    Meanwhile if you get any solution for this, please share it. 🙂



  • RE: Reporting Services Date Problem

    Hi Jodie,

    I tried this with the calendar control (keeping the StartDate and EndDate parameters type as 'DateTime') and it seems to be working.

    Actually, it seems that the input you...

  • RE: Caching/Clearing Parameters

    Hi Andy,

    Jst to make sure about your requirement, will discuss a scenario here:

    Suppose we have 3 SSRS report parameters namely, Country, State and City. Now, the report users wish to...

  • RE: expression in ssrs to get sum

    Hi.. 🙂

    I tried this and got an output as attached.

    Please find the attached file and let me know, if you were looking out for this (report) display??





    Thanks !!

    I think, it can be acheived through PADDING property. Setting the PADDING property (Space from Left) accordingly should resolve this issue. 🙂



  • RE: parameter with different default and available values

    Hi... 🙂

    I may not be understanding the exact requirement here but I could guess that you want to display a report with a parameter whose default values should be A,B,C...

  • RE: Data jumping to different columns

    Hi 🙂

    I tried to repro this on my system and found it working..

    Exported the SSRS report to PDF format and it looks fine.

    I think, this issue should be occurring...

  • RE: Regd SQL Server edition info


    thanks for your time and inputs 🙂

    Actually, I need to find this information at the very beginning of my code as its a pre requisite check for end users....

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 150 total)