Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Grow Your Family

    Steph Locke (11/27/2013)

    BWFC & Nic - I'm really glad you enjoyed it and I'll pass on the compliments to the Manchester organisers 😀


    I'll also tell Mr Skipwith about...

  • RE: Grow Your Family

    BWFC (11/27/2013)

    Beatrix Kiddo (10/18/2013)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (10/18/2013)

    Beatrix Kiddo (10/18/2013)

    John Mitchell-245523 (10/18/2013)

    Beatrix, where are you based? There should be a user group[/url] near you. There only about...

  • RE: Grow Your Family

    Beatrix Kiddo (10/18/2013)

    This is timely. I'd like (ok, I need!) to do more networking but it seems like the UK has less of a culture of it than the US...

  • RE: I vant your blud!

    Wayne, it's always worth highlighting the need for blood donors and hope you are on the road to recovery.

    The UK Blood Doning Centre and details of where to donate are...

  • RE: Snap-in failed

    I'm sure the person that posted the original message has long since sorted the issue (or else moved away from IT!), but i had the same problem today.

    I managed to...

  • RE: schedule a stored procedure

    You're assuming that he's not still working at midnight then !!

    I have a few SPs that I run each day and schedule these as agent jobs.


  • RE: Unable to connect to debugger on ...


    I've just had exactly the same issue on a W2K PC.  It had been working OK a few weeks ago and the only thing that will have changed on both...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)