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Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 102 total)

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    You deserve a medal!

    Thank you so much for your help today and i apologise if i have irritated you on the way,

    Appreciate all your help.

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Sorry iv sorted that issue out now! i had a field which was an int and the other which was varchar,

    It now runs with no errors but it returns...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Sorry iv just sorted that issue out its now populating the table with the information πŸ™‚

    But it falls over with the part you provided

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1,...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Right iv changed everything you have mentioned, surprised i missed it, its been a long day... but never mind, right anyway iv changed the procedure now all the red lines...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Ok iv changed it now so there both basically identical,

    But my select statement has red lines under it, am i correct in saying you cant have a select statement...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    I was under the impression i was keeping the ExamResults (Where the users answer go) the same after what you mentioned a few posts back, where you said the design...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Thank you for the information i really do appreciate it, one more question though i have the insert statement which will put all the informatio in to the examResults table...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    After following the example i got this as an output

    SELECT [Question1],[7]

    SELECT [Question2],[16]

    SELECT [Question3],[24]

    SELECT [Question4],[2]

    SELECT [Question5],[N]

    SELECT [Question6],[5]

    SELECT [Question7],[4]

    SELECT [Question8],[4]

    SELECT [Question9],[15]

    SELECT [Question10],[2]

    SELECT [Question11],[a]

    SELECT [Question12],[140]

    SELECT [Question13],[3]

    SELECT [Question14],[131]

    SELECT [Question15],[111]

    SELECT [Question16],[2]

    SELECT [Question17],[2]

    SELECT [Question18],[5]

    SELECT [Question19],[5]

    SELECT [Question20],[4]


  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Im sorry i should of gone in to more detail would of saved the confusion,

    Iv looked at the sample data in the post you gave me but im confused...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    GilaMonster (4/22/2012)

    Are you absolutely sure there will never, never, never, never be a second exam? Never have something with a second set of answers?

    p.s. You need to change the examresults...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    This Exam System only has one exam which has 36 questions, the questions never change, this is purely being made to replace the current paper based version we have in...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Dev (4/22/2012)

    It’s a bad design. If you need to add another question in the exam will you alter the table (and keep altering as & when required)? Please redesign it...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    There is only one row in the correct_ExamAnswers with 36 columns is that what you ment?, In the ExamResults Table there is a UserID column which gets populated with the...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Hi Thanks for the response, Below is my Result table this holds all the correct answers for the exam

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Correct_ExamAnswers](

    [Answer1] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [Answer2] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [Answer3] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [Answer4] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [Answer5] [varchar](15)...

  • RE: Compare two tables and return result

    Someone told me to compare row by row, but i did think that was a bad way of doing it, thats why i asked on here to see if there...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 102 total)