Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: More than one Text data type in a table


    I should have been more specfic with the question.

    option 1: I can have a table as follows

    create table t1 (i int, t1 text) and put the XML string > 8000...

  • RE: Daylight savings time

    Thanks. Reading information in the link, it looks like Jason has the same idea but he also has the same question - would the method work or not. Would really appreciate...

  • RE: date time field

    DECLARE @dtmDateTime dateTime

    SET @dtmDateTime = getdate()

    SELECT @dtmDateTime as [Current Date Time],

    CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar(11), @dtmDateTime), 112)

  • RE: Left pad field

    Declare @RequiredLength int

    Declare @ToConvert int

    select @ToConvert = 22

    select @RequiredLength = 5

    select replicate('0', (@RequiredLength - len(@ToConvert))) + convert(varchar,@ToConvert)

  • RE: Left pad field

    Declare @RequiredLength int

    Declare @ToConvert int

    select @ToConvert = 22

    select @RequiredLength = 5

    select replicate('0', (@RequiredLength - len(@ToConvert))) + convert(varchar,@ToConvert)

  • RE: How convert char ddmmyyyy to date

    declare @date char(8)

    set @date = '06122004'

    select convert(char(10), convert(datetime, substring(@date,3,2) + '/' + substring(@date,1,2) + '/' + substring(@date,5,4)), 104)

  • RE: Duplicate Records

    With so many requests for deleting duplicates coming to this forum, it seems like it would be nice if Microsoft provides a query on the lines of - delete duplicate from...

  • RE: Script to wait for file to start executing package. Event based Triggering.

    Write a simple Active X script using Scripting.FileSystemObject.

  • RE: Is it possible to pass a parameter in the Use command?

    If the only point is to change the database, would it make sense to use always the four part name for the table. <server><db><owner><table>.



  • RE: granting permissions on group of tables

    Another way is to run the following command and paste the output to query analyzer window and execute.

    Hope it helps

    select 'Grant select, insert, update , delete on ' + name...

  • RE: DATEDIFF Group BY Month

    One way is to find the date difference in date format and then usnig datepart(mm, <calc date&gt to use the group by.

  • RE: flat file import

    One way is to use the age old approach and it may be OK in terms of peformance if the number of records to be loaded is in 100s or...

  • RE: Old problem - delete duplicates in table

    I always thought that if there is an existing table and you add an identity column only new rows will get number assigned. I just tried and was wrong and...

  • RE: Old problem - delete duplicates in table

    Thanks everyone for all the good ideas. The only question that remains is the table does not have an identity column. So I guess I have to add a column...

  • RE: Old problem - delete duplicates in table

    I am worried about adding a new column as well as the delete done in bulk (500000 rows) as it is a huge table.  What do you think?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)