Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 462 total)

  • RE: Help for a query

    u r welcome 🙂

    BTW which query did you use out of those three which are there?

  • RE: Help for a query

    I think its exactly what is there here. Please have a look at this discussion,

  • RE: T-sql left function ???

    I think thats different level of validation that you may want to put depending on your business needs/justification,

    Declare @STR varchar(10)


    SELECT LEFT (@str,...

  • RE: stored procedure prefixes

    dbo.benyos (10/23/2009)

    Good luck there!

    Just don't forget that besides good naming convention for your procedures, T-SQL itself has undergone a long way and is very different than 5 years before, so...

  • RE: stored procedure prefixes

    wazz (10/23/2009)

    ah, what do you use, if anything, to prefix sps? i think i've seen sproc_ before. any suggestions? (i'll do some searching too.) tnx again.

    In most of cases that...

  • RE: Merging 3 query results

    Just for fun eh!

    Isn't it a case of pivoting?

    Test script and data:

    drop table #t1

    drop table #t2

    drop table #t3

    Create table #t1(col1 int, col2 varchar(10), col3 int)

    Create table #t2(col1 int, col2 varchar(10),...

  • RE: pivot query help

    Sorry, I aint givin the complete solution. This I guess you would anyway have it. I am really interested to know how anyone will approach this other part of the...

  • RE: Update AS400 table through SSIS

    Phil Parkin (10/21/2009)

    Try removing the T2 aliasing and writing out the full name of the table. You cannot alias a table in the first line of an update statement, even...

  • RE: Playing with LEFT JOIN

    Will this do?

    Select * from T1


    ON =

    Where T2.Id IS NULL

  • RE: Need the SQL query

    This is something what you would like to do, but its meaningless.

    CREATE TABLE #tSTATUS (FLAG varchar(1))

    INSERT INTO #tStatus VALUES ('Y')

    INSERT INTO #tStatus VALUES ('Y')

    INSERT INTO #tStatus VALUES ('Y')

    INSERT INTO #tStatus...

  • RE: Help needed with joins in update trigger

    u r welcome 🙂

  • RE: SQL Help

    Will this do??


    CREATE TABLE ORDERS(OrderNo int, OrderDate datetime, Cost int, PreviousCost int, NewCost int)

    Delete from Orders

    INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(1, '2009-09-19', 100,0,0)

    INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(2, '2009-10-19', 200,0,0)


  • RE: Query Help Please!

    Please dont think I am doubting/underestimating your sqlserver database understanding. Just wanted to know if you understand these things please?

    1. First query returns the rows from softwareProduct table where product...

  • RE: Query Help Please!

    nothin here, please move on. Some technical glitch!

  • RE: SQL Help

    I think requirement is bit incomplete,

    you have a orderdate column, What if there are multiple orders in the previous month and what if there are multiple records in the...

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 462 total)