Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 107 total)

  • RE: DateTime Issue

    Actually i have banners data in table...each baner have time from...if current time si inside that timeframe..mean from and todate then display otherwise not

  • RE: Import Excel table data

    there is no option for me to choose the' Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider'........i do not have this in options...pls specify me a simple procedure...

  • RE: Import Excel table data

    when i save as xlsx to xls,some data are missing...could not get whole question is...should the columns in table and header text in xls will be same?

  • RE: Import Excel table data

    yes the tables are in the same i can write update statement?

  • RE: Import Excel table data

    Now How i can copy whole data from one column in one table and replace the old data in other table'column?

  • RE: Import Excel table data

    Actually when i am going to sqlserver i do not have SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio....although i configuration manager i do have ssis having state running

  • RE: Import Excel table data

    i tried alot but in vain ,To use DTS..there is no option for xlsx...they only support xls..what i can do here?

    in this case

    SELECT * INTO XLImport5 FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\test\xltest.xls', 'SELECT...

  • RE: Import Excel table data


    i can not use option in my sqlserver2005....can u pls guid me a litle bit?

  • RE: Stored proceedure and cursor

    Very Good Job

  • RE: Stored proceedure and cursor

    OK i did like this but now this shows me those records too which do not match...mean when their counter field is 0...

    select TOP 5 COMPANY,CategoryName,comp_kws,locStr,

    len(COMPANY) - len(replace(COMPANY, 'ltd',...

  • RE: Stored proceedure and cursor


    this is working fine for me.

    select TOP 20 COMPANY,

    len(COMPANY) - len(replace(COMPANY, 'piz', ''))

    as numberofoccurences

    from vwSearchResult order by numberofoccurences DESC

    Can i do it for more fields?i...

  • RE: Stored proceedure and cursor


    Thanks alot ...worked for me...

  • RE: Stored proceedure and cursor


    ok my questions are

    1) how i will load table data to tempData(in your example)?

    2) what are star ,Stir,My Fab Company etc in your (select 'star' Company union select...

  • RE: Stored proceedure and cursor

    Thanks for your reply

    But i am facing project Deadline and do not have much time to implement these coding...

    Can you please give me a stored procedure which do the following...

  • RE: Stored proceedure and cursor

    Actually i want to provide options to users regarding their search .....

    Eg if some one write "str" i want to show him "star" OR "sstr" mean nearly matching my...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 107 total)