Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 82 total)

  • RE: AVG in cube

    Great, that done the job (used culaculated member).

    I don't remembered to use old-style procedures to get desired data


  • RE: Question of the Day for 21 Jul 2004

    Enterprise Edition for Windows 2000 Server?????

  • RE: SQL Server & IIS Trusted connection

    Yes, I think so. 🙁

    Not wanted avoid AD groups, wanted to avoid use AD at all, except for auth IIS->SQL Server, but seems not to be possible 🙁

    If I do...

  • RE: Casting issue

    Searching a bit more I've found some more help,

    Efectively, seems to be a bug, in the links are some scrips to build your own and reliable IsNumeric function (Similar to...

  • RE: Casting issue

    Yes, is part of a routine of the type "add to string field, and if is number add to the number field too".

    Yes again, I thought it was a bug,...

  • RE: Catching error from UDF inside a SP


    It worked. =) (at least I can how to call rollback or commit)

    Isn't the solution I'd wish, but certainly works.

  • RE: Catching error from UDF inside a SP

    I did it, still the same.

    But still getting 0. Annalyzing a bit more, the SP always take the commit way, never try to rollback.

    From this I assume @@Error returns 0...

  • RE: Noob QOD (uppercase)

    Yes, I know, but this table is used by many apps (some not mine), so use UPPERCASE in all SQL instructions is not an option.

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 linked to Access 2000


    This Access incursion has been a little troubing. I'm, going to do it via web-based.

    My skill is greater there 🙂

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 linked to Access 2000

    Thaks again.

    I prefer to keep it simple and have all capabilities direclty to Access table/view object.

    I think I will use ODBC to be capable to delcare the Primary Key (row...

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 linked to Access 2000

    Thanks Ebong, that's worked.

    If I have the table as an ODBC linked table works fine.

    If I have ADO direct server access with an Access Project I can't find how to...

  • RE: Correct use of scope_identity?

    This was an "on the fly" example to explain my situation, thats why are some errors. 😛

    But my main doubt was about scope_identity(), I originally planned to use @@Identity, but...

  • RE: Rowset and remote server







    To turn on These options before creating your SP

  • RE: Using transactions and output parameters

    Sorry, was a typo error, I actually have

    if @@error  0 
    @result = -1
    rollback tran

    But doesn't work, is the behavior described above

  • RE: Remote user defind functions

    Jejeje, 🙂


Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 82 total)