Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 82 total)

  • RE: Severe performance slowdown with SP4

    Thanks for your input

    Not exactly the same DB, but something close. He has the full data amout, but I have views and he uses them converted to tables. However, the...

  • RE: Drop procedure from other DB


    Thanks for your help, it worked.

  • RE: sp_grantdbaccess from other database

    OMG! That's true.

    I had never believed that could be true.

    Thank you both!

  • RE: sp_grantdbaccess from other database

    But I'm adding a user, it's not an object.

    EXEC importeddb.dbo.sp_grantdbaccess 'user'

    Won't work since sp_grantdbaccess is a procedure stored in master db.

  • RE: Tablename prefix not used

    The best solution I got is like Jo's one. Re-select the field to sort by that field.

    A boogie-man tsql story. I hope that to be solved in sql2005.


  • RE: Tablename prefix not used

    Hi Jo

    Unfortunately that gives the same result, this way the result has sense for me, since the ORDER BY is referencing the resulting column instead the source one.

    Another shot?

  • RE: Tablename prefix not used

    Hi Mathew.

    That did'nt work either. The "2" references the column after processing, this equivals the "fecha_creacion" without the S prefix.

    In other words, that is what is happening with the original...

  • RE: Change logical name to DB files

    Yes, that works!

    Thank you!

  • RE: Change logical name to DB files

    And what about taking dettach-rename-reattach? As far as I understand this will leave us with the old "name" too, but without a way to change it :-

    I know to lurk...

  • RE: Login failed for user ''''NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM''''

    No, I have not MOM, but Brian's proposal about Full Text made me look the service list.

    ...And found a LogPI agent that shouldn't be there anymore. Stopped it and the...

  • RE: Log printed error messages

    For example, this is the resulting message from a SP trying to backup a non-existent DB:

    Server: Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_FullBackupDb, Line 25
    Could not locate entry in...
  • RE: Precise DATEDIFF()

    Good one, however:

    SELECT DATEDIFF(Year, 0, convert(datetime,'2005-12-14')-convert(datetime,'2003-12-15'))

    Will return 2, a "-1" completes it

    SELECT DATEDIFF(Year, 0, convert(datetime,'2005-12-14')-convert(datetime,'2003-12-15')-1)


  • RE: Precise DATEDIFF()


    That function is shorter than the one I was building


  • RE: Working with Instances

    You can limit the access to that database within the same instances (I am hoping sa password is kept confidential and all user are not administrator)

    Yes and no. SA password...

  • RE: Restore from UNC path

    You were right, I changed the SQL account from System Account to explicitly the one that runs the desktop and it worked.

    But now I don't know the difference (for SQL...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 82 total)