Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)

  • RE: ‘Twas the night before the upgrade…

    Yes, I made it up. It's just for fun. However, many parts are based on actual experience! 🙂

  • RE: SQLServerCentral apologizes and you can win a book

    Here is some code I use to locate and deal with duplicates in a table.

    WITH cte

    AS (SELECTtwd.idtblWithDups



  • RE: Non-Deterministic UDF and Persisted Columns

    Well... I think we already tried the scope_identity route (I know we talked about it), but we have determined that for some reason the 'SET NOCOUNT ON' was causing a...

  • RE: Non-Deterministic UDF and Persisted Columns

    I had an Instead of trigger that has worked for years but we are in the process of moving to SQL 2008 and our Hibernate was not picking up the...

  • RE: Non-Deterministic UDF and Persisted Columns

    I am having the same problem. Did you find a solution for this?

  • RE: Track database growth

    Thanks wmt,

    I had come up with another solution for that problem(put the brackets on here, remove them there, ugh), but yours is certainly more elegant.

  • RE: Track database growth

    The SSIS script would be sweet, expecially since I am just now (finally) moving all my databases off of 2000 to 2008 so I am new to SSIS.

    I noticed after...

  • RE: Track database growth

    One other change I made so that this works for all databses:


    SELECT DBName = '[' + LTRIM(RTRIM(name)) +']'

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    WHERE category IN ('0', '1','16')


  • RE: Track database growth

    Thanks for the great script. I created a table with a capture date and put your script (with some minor modifications) into a weekly job. This way I...

  • RE: Fix users for SQL 7 thru 2008

    Yes, I have updated the source numerous times, but per your suggestion the script now handles many different database states including read only, offline, suspect, in recovery, in load, not...

  • RE: Fix users for SQL 7 thru 2008

    Thanks for the suggestion rVadim. I changed the script to handle Offline databases as well, although I did it a little differently than you did. Rather than skipping...

  • RE: Fix users for SQL 7 thru 2008

    That's cool. Thanks for debugging that. I don't have any databases with case sensitivity in place so I didn't foresee that problem.

    I will fix the script so that...

  • RE: Fix users for SQL 7 thru 2008

    Can you execute the following code with no errors logged in with the same user you are getting the errors with?

    USE [master]



  • RE: Fix users for SQL 7 thru 2008

    Looking into this further... forget what I just said. The problem appears to me as though the issue is that there are entries in your master.dbo.sysdatabases table that are...

  • RE: Fix users for SQL 7 thru 2008

    Not sure, just looking at the errors it would appear as though it may be that the problem stems from the fact that I didn't put brackets ([ and ])...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)