Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Report Builder 2008: cannot retrieve application. Authentication error

    had the same issue, and an easy fix

    on the remote machine, go to your User Account in Control Panel

    Pick your Account

    Select Manage Network Passwords

    add an entry

    put in the name of...

  • RE: DB Mirror, maintenance plan/backup job failover?

    Thank you Erik!

    I must have been using the wrong keyword combo in my searching - i found that mirror monitor (overview only) via google in BOL, but no handy scripts...

  • RE: A Look at Database Mirroring

    Jeff -

    There is no way to specify a named instance with the SET PARTNER = xxx, but you are able to use an alternate TCP port.

    Each SQL Server instance...

  • RE: A Look at Database Mirroring

    Just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to Michael for assembling the non-domain member setup script - worked great!

    Re: the clustering/DM debate

    Depends on what you're doing - for me,...

  • RE: BCP and DLL together

    ahh... here is the bcp command line to import a file exported using the default method.  It is setup for windows integrated security, so you may need to modify for...

  • RE: BCP and DLL together

    hehe...  thanks for the praise!

    Please feel free to share with others; it's better to make everyone's life easier instead of just mine

  • RE: BCP and DLL together

    Glad you like it!

    Please note that you can run the procedure with no options and it will provide help and examples (forgot...

  • RE: BCP and DLL together

    Hi Susan!

    I've had this script in my arsenal for a while, but i think it's time to release to the world .  I...

  • RE: NT Authentication with XP and VPN

    I have a solution that works, without adding your home machine to your work domain. The below instructions are from memory, so the wording may be a bit off.


  • RE: Help with Impoting Excel into SQL Server db

    To use OpenDataSource, you do not need Access installed, just ADO which should already be there. I use this all the time our SQL Servers with no problems. ...

  • RE: BULK INSERT & Text Qualifier

    I've had to figure this out in the past. Here's what you need to do, using your example.

    "datahere","data with a comma, more","xxx"

    FMT file:






    Using \",\" will treat the "," as...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)