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Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 659 total)

  • RE: Query Tune

    Here is the update...]

    I combined 2 sql statements as 1 query in to second and got rid of DISTINCTm then i was able get same numer of records with 30min...

  • RE: Query Tune

    Guys...what do u mean by that.

    " this probloem deos not apply to sql 7 or later"

  • RE: Query Tune

    i tred combining then but no use. How DISTINCT is eliminated if you are combining, i dont think so.

    also when i tried combining them does the whole result set go...

  • RE: Query Tune

    ohh yeah i agree. its my mistake.

    yeah i need to keep duplicates.

  • RE: Query Tune

    I think union all is always beter than union.

    UNION ALL looks for and discards duplicate rows in the result set, whereas the UNION statement does not.

  • RE: Query Tune

    ALTER VIEW [dbo].[Budget]


    Select *

    from Budget_R

    union all

    select *

    from Budget_PA

    ACtually in my query vwBud and Budget are the views, you can check the view above.

  • RE: Query Tune

    is there a way i can get distinct value without using DISTINCT, i think this keyword makes query slow.

    or let me put this way, how many ways i can run...

  • RE: Query Tune

    I cant change the requirement in the query and also we do have duplicates in that view, this is how we process. I am only looking for any way to...

  • RE: Query window

    what is the work around for this so the it never happens again.

  • RE: Query window

    This happens every day to the developers , not sure why?

    where the problem might be? is it related to sql server or network problem

  • RE: Query window

    is there any clue why i get disconnectyed all of a sudden. and i get this error mesg

    "A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server"

  • RE: Disk Space

    Yes I would try to create a junk folder in each volume and just select all the files in the folder and try to move them to junk folder, if...

  • RE: Query Tune


    I dont see any diffrence in your query when compared to mine. Its just the same, then how would that improve performance?

  • RE: Restore

    yes i have sql litespeed

  • RE: Backup Scripts

    Is it possible to backup just 24 partitions (2yrs data) of a database every month and do a restore test just for those 24 partitions. Before backing up 24 partitions...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 659 total)