Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 86 total)

  • RE: SQL Job Timeline (Graphical)

    argg... that's supposed to be <dbname>

  • RE: SQL Job Timeline (Graphical)

    I love it.... and coincidentally I was working in the same problem but from a Powershell angle. Now I don't have to.

    BTW... why do you have this:

    your your WHERE statement:

  • RE: PowerShell Tool Time: Controlling Our Tools

    I like the article.

    and yes yes... you can do it easier with SQL statements like Jeff says... but what I like about the article is that is uses a very...

  • RE: The Ideal SQL Server Virtual Machine Architecture - Level 2 of the Stairway to SQL Server Virtualization

    rachilles (5/13/2015)

    Great article, and very timely for me.

    In the Virtual Disk presentation illustrations, it shows a disk cylinder with OS, Data and Logs all in one cylinder, seemingly attached to...

  • RE: Going from Cluster to Avail Groups

    Thank you so much Learn2Live. Your high level steps are great

    And Perry Whittle... oh oh oh.... that's paper.. great find.

    That's exactly what I needed

    My biggest question as... can we somehow...

  • RE: Moving TDE enabled DB to standard edition?

    Yes, you need to remove TDE from the database, and don't forget to truncate the Tlog.

    I had to do something similar. it was a nightmare!

    1- make sure it's on FULL...

  • RE: Kitchen Culture

    Wow.. and i thought i was bitter.

    honestly, I'm in the US, in the Midwest. The nice kitchen factor maybe an issue in the coast, but over there is no...

  • RE: Kitchen Culture

    I work in a huge corporation. My building is in a small town and it employs nearly a thousand people.

    Kitchen is a joke. I never eat there... i...

  • RE: find if log backup can be run

    while it's a bad idea to switch recovery modes... the OP wants a safeguard in case that happen... besides you can't run a Tlog either on a newly created database,...

  • RE: Challenge Yourself

    Gary Varga (9/30/2014)

    I would like to commend you on not wanting to plagiarise nor wanting to repeat existing posts. However, don't forget that a tutorial is different to a post...

  • RE: Challenge Yourself

    very inspirational post, thanks.

    I've been thinking about blogging for a while, and the most compelling reason is career development and a way to showcase my work.

    however, the most powerful excuse...

  • RE: SQL Agent Job using Proxy and run by many users


    Will, BillHol gave me lots to think about.

    In this particular case, since it's only a handful of people trying to run the job "once in a while", I guess we...

  • RE: Replication wont die, wont go away

    holy camoly!

    I found the problem!

    The key was that I stopped it. I stopped/cancel the sp_removeDBReplication

    which if we couple with the other error:

    "Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number...

  • RE: Replication wont die, wont go away

    Yes, however, step three is

    At the Publisher on the publication database, execute sp_removedbreplication to remove replication objects from the database.

    And that's the problem... It runs and run and I'm not...

  • RE: Physical Server or a Virtual Machine?

    It's nice that SQL2008R2 now has that DVM.

    But for other systems, we can use a more... let's call it brute




    create table #OSinfo(OSinfo varchar (255))

    insert into #OSinfo

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'systeminfo'


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 86 total)