Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 98 total)

  • RE: SQL 2106 and Compatibility levels

    Apologies , that should read SQL 2016 and Compatibility levels

  • RE: Index guidance needed

    thanks everyone , appreciate the advise and will be looking into the suggestions provided.

  • RE: Index guidance needed

    Thanks all some great topics for me to continue comms with the Devs there.

    I will extract execution plan on the simple select I have been sent.

    thanks again

  • RE: Index guidance needed

    Thanks everyone for the prompt replies.

    I have been given a selection of queries from the users.

    As an example a very basic select returns (669484 row(s) affected) in around 5 mins.


  • RE: SQL Server Audit Specifications and SQL Trace comparision (2/24/2016)

    DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP - Replaces Trace Event 102Audit Database Scope GDR Event

    SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP - Replaces Trace Event 103Audit Schema Object GDR Event

    SERVER_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP- Replaces Trace Event 104Audit Addlogin Event

    SERVER_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP- Replaces Trace Event 106Audit...

  • RE: Failed and Successful Login Auditing Using xp_readerrorlog

    Ryan great script thank you.

    Would it be possible to provide a script that writes to tables (not Temp) within a database call ZZZ (as an example ?)

    For me the ideal...

  • RE: Missing login....but still connects !

    Thanks for replies everyone , done some more investigation and the situation does not get any clearer.....

    Ok this is what I found. To recap.

    User in databases has red arrow. -...

  • RE: Missing login....but still connects !

    Jayanth_Kurup (10/30/2015)

    MickyD (10/29/2015)

    Jayanth_Kurup (10/29/2015)

    Login Names and User Names do not have to match , usually when you create a login and then map the login to databases a user with...

  • RE: Missing login....but still connects !

    Jayanth_Kurup (10/29/2015)

    Login Names and User Names do not have to match , usually when you create a login and then map the login to databases a user with the same...

  • RE: Script improvement advice.


    Thanks for your reply. Will test it out today.


  • RE: Mass removal ofF permissions<!-- 864 -->

    Only requirement is to modify the role memberships , no object level permission changes as this stage.

  • RE: Mass removal ofF permissions

    Been working on this and still a bit stuck.

    What I need to achieve is an output which will go thru the table of contents and dynamically produce an output script...

  • RE: Mass removal ofF permissions

    Thank you Scott

    Will test and text again to ensure I understand the process.

    Appreciate your efforts to help

  • RE: Mass removal ofF permissions


    Thanks for this . Could you confirm if I need to add the select statement part ?

    Ideal situation would be to read this from a table that exists in another...

  • RE: Mass removal ofF permissions

    Scott hi

    As requested. This will be the config of the table containing the removal data.

    ServerNameDatabase UsernameRole Permissions ...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 98 total)