Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Merge Two Querries to have only 1 output

    Why don't you just do this:

    set nocount on

    select q.[MICRACCTNUMBER]

    from (

    select [PARENTACCOUNT],'001 '+right('000000000000'+MICRACCTNUMBER,16) as [MICRACCTNUMBER]

    from SAVINGS

    where MICRACCTNUMBER is not null

    and ProcessDate = CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE()-1, 112)

    and CLOSEDATE is null

    union all

    select [PARENTACCOUNT],'001...

  • RE: converting case statement to config table

    How about..

    Create a new table, and let's call it [Codes] for example.

    Two columns, names are examples:

    [FldNm] [varchar](2) not null

    [FldCd] [varchar](3) not null

    Population in [Codes] table is:

    [FldNm] , [FldCd]

    CC , ABC


  • RE: Same database with two different machines at different times

    Depending on the size of the db in question, here is something you could try.

    On the desktop, setup the db on the local drive.

    Every time before wanting to...

  • RE: Index rebuild slow on 2014

    Update to my indexing problem...

    There are two instances of SQL2014 running on this hardware. The instance I was working with to solve the indexing problem, had a Maximum server...

  • RE: Index rebuild slow on 2014

    Drive setup is the same for both machines. The file layout is the same as well. The machines each have their own set of drives. So there...

  • RE: How would you set up your server?

    Backups are being stored on a network drive, so they are not on the same server in case of complete meltdown.

    And this server will have a RAID10 setup, so we're...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)