Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 3,010 total)

  • RE: Best all-round monitoring tool for

    andre.quitta (1/29/2014)

    I've also been evaluating monitoring software. Spotlight has changed to an instance pricing model, which could get pretty expensive pretty fast. We were quoted about $1,500 per instance. There's...

  • RE: Shrinking a Databse (pro\con)

    I had a similar situation with a month-end read only database created for an application.

    I did several steps:

    1. Compress all the tables in the database (partitions for older years in...

  • RE: Snapshot size is tooo large

    Database snapshot files are sparse files that show an allocated size the same size as the database file that are a snapshot of, but typically use much less space on...

  • RE: T-SQL help on datetime

    Debora (1/28/2014)

    Getting "The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value." error when running the below script:-

    delete from table

    WHERE CONVERT(datetime, cast([year] as...

  • RE: Value of @@DBTS / timestamp column

    Since a TIMESTAMP column is 64 bits, the number of possible unique values = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 ( 2 to the 64th power ).

    Certainly a very large number.

    A table with a...


    If you are doing connection pooling, the API stored proc sp_reset_connection does not reset the transaction isolation level, so it is important to make sure you reset the transaction isolation...

  • RE: sp_spaceused

    You can run the script on the link below to see the sized/used/unused space for each file in the database, and to see the size of the individual tables.

    Script to...

  • RE: Options for storing .jpg files on SQL Server 2008 R2

    Why don't you just store the files in SharePoint?

  • RE: Bug with Round with 2 decimal

    dquirion78 (1/21/2014)

    thanks !

    I just read about money and decimal (19,4) Nobody seems to have the same answer about what the best data type...

    It is probably best to avoid money...

  • RE: Bug with Round with 2 decimal

    Using float in a calculation can cause problems because it is base 2 internally, so there can be issues with casting to display in base 10. For business calculations,...

  • RE: Reclaim free space

    Casper101 (1/17/2014)


    The shrink commands I used were:

    DBCC Shrinkfile(dataFileNameHere,1)

    DBCC Shrinkfile(logFileNameHere,1)

    DBCC Shrinkdatabase(databaseNameHere)

    The result of the query:


    341463.06120929.25 220533.81 ***data


  • RE: Reclaim free space

    It would be helpful if you posted the results of this query so we could see where the space is being used

    -- Show Size, Space Used, Unused Space, and...

  • RE: TDE Enable???

    TDE will protect from two main threats:

    Using the database backup files to restore somewhere else and looking at the data.

    Copying the database data files, attaching to another server, and looking...

  • RE: TDE Enable???

    TDE cannot be used with compressed backups, so you may need more space for database backups and they may take longer to run.

  • RE: Splitting DBs into multiple files for IO spread

    There is another possibility: Use the four LUNS to create a single volume on the server for the database datafiles.

    The data would be spread across the four LUNS automatically...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 3,010 total)