Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 548 total)

  • RE: Why Don't We Have Better Practices?

    Ian Massi (5/15/2014)

    I doubt I'm the only one who read that metaphor and though, "Man, wouldn't it be great to have a software development project as clearly defined as a...

  • RE: Why Don't We Have Better Practices?

    What's needed is a kind of SARBOX for the IT industry.

    But I guess we haven't encountered a big enough scandal to motivate/justify this.

    Thank Heaven? :hehe:

  • RE: Stairway to SQL PowerShell Level 2: SQL PowerShell Setup and Config

    But you should get a dialog saying

    Cannot find the

    C:\Users\(youruserid)\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file.

    Do you want to create a new file?

    Instead what are you getting?

  • RE: The Gadget Itch

    I thought this could all be done now with 3D printers.

    Jokes aside, I recently saw a CNN special where they showed how to create a very sophisticated artificial limb...

  • RE: Open Source the MCM

    Microsoft should think about the alternative - which is to bury this material.

    Not a really cool idea at all.

    Thus make it public.

    There are no in-betweens.

  • RE: installing Sql 2012 Evaluation version on Windows 7 Pro

    I mixed up Express edition with Evaluation edition.

    Nevertheless, has the OP ever gotten over this problem?

  • RE: installing Sql 2012 Evaluation version on Windows 7 Pro

    No problems installing multiple versions on W7Prof+SP1. Thus have SS2005, SS2008, SS2008R2 and SS2012.

    The only thing I watch for is that they are all named instances, in fact, I'm using...

  • RE: The Security of Interconnected Systems

    Have a go at creating an email account on yahoo using the name Ronald Reagan and variants to create an email address from this name. The number of email addresses...

  • RE: Password checker automation

    I think my simple performance test may have a weakness due to the random data I throw at it using newid(). This very likely causes pwdcompare to exit very early....

  • RE: Password checker automation

    OK, I understand now this use of replace. Thus you should separate out this kind of check from the rest since the string '_Replace_' will be used in only a...

  • RE: Password checker automation


    Just out of curiosity what exactly does this mean:


    Also, how exactly will you login to 250 or so instances to run this and gather the data into a single table?


  • RE: Help finding an old post

    Jeff Moden (2/1/2014)

    There is a method that'll blow the doors off of even LAG but a lot of people are afraid of it.

    Thus are you referrring to CROSS APPLY here?


  • RE: Help finding an old post


    You didn't understand my remark regarding removing one of the rows with cgm='5'.

    If you do that your solution will now show even more incorrect results.

    I understand what you are trying...

  • RE: Help finding an old post

    OK, just saw your use of LAG which means SS20012.

    But you're making completely wrong use of it.

    If you delete one of the rows with cgm='5' from your data and run...

  • RE: Help finding an old post


    Could your data also contain a sequence like the following, i.e. cgm changes without one or more rows having cgm null in between:

    ('1', '2012-01-01 07:05', '5'),

    ('1', '2012-01-01 07:06', '5'),

    ('1', '2012-01-01...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 548 total)