Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 541 through 548 (of 548 total)

  • RE: dynamic sql

    I thought it was

    exec sp_executesql @strSQL

  • RE: sql services

    Wrote this recently for stopping/starting a service on a remote computer. You can easily adapt this to:

    - check if the SQL Server service is running

    - if not, start it

    Hope this...

  • RE: Line Termination

    'go' does quite a bit more than the semi-colon, for example, all variables declared before the go are no longer available after the go

  • RE: Change the password with SP_PASSWORD

    sp_password can be used to change your own password using the syntax sp_password 'oldpw','newpw'

    but if you want to change the password of someone else then the user that you are...

  • RE: why do we make DATA SOURCE ?

    There was a time when OLEDB did not exist. In those days, the only way to make a database connection was via an ODBC data source.

    ODBC also has the advantage of separating...

  • RE: Why is spam still a problem?

    From what I undsertand, 99% of spam is generated by 200 professional spammers - in all of the whole world. Why we can't get our hands on them and put them...

  • RE: How many more Mondays until I retire?

    The topic is very similar to a recent 'Users that need help' query in He asked how many workdays (mon-fri) are there between two given dates. And what's interesting is that I too...

  • RE: help we write this SQL weekday query

    Have a go at this.

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name='trx_workdays' and type='FN') drop function trx_workdays


    create function trx_workdays(@p_startdate datetime, @p_enddate datetime) returns integer as


    declare @dwdest int

    declare @padded_enddate datetime

    declare @padded_workdays...

Viewing 8 posts - 541 through 548 (of 548 total)