Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 548 total)
The killer in this problem is that a value can be used multiple times. Thus if the target value is 60 the following represent solutions:
Although your table goes in the...
November 8, 2006 at 12:25 am
Is sys.dm_exec_sessions something SQL Server 2005 specific? On SQL Server 2000 it doesn't seem to work and I always used master.dbo.sysprocesses to get at this sort of...
November 8, 2006 at 12:05 am
I suspect it has nothing to do with these queries but in the way ADO is used in this VB program. If you go into VB's debug mode what statement...
November 7, 2006 at 11:58 pm
Didn't know there was such a thing as an implied carriage return. Maybe it's clearer to have an explicit carriage return as in
select 'Hey'+char(13)+'GO' ...
November 7, 2006 at 6:09 am
OK. Threw lots of crap it at and it seems to be holding up now.
Intuitiveness is a word. As for the 'un' prefix, dictionary says it has limitless applications.
November 7, 2006 at 4:20 am
What am I missing?
When I run
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('exec my_proc ''XX'',''YY''
I get
exec my_proc 'Northwind','No'
exec my_proc 'VIEWS','VI'
exec my_proc 'SINSYS','SI'
exec my_proc 'SSB','SS'
exec my_proc 'VRETE','VR'
exec my_proc 'ACLATINA','AC'
When I...
November 7, 2006 at 12:37 am
This falls over:
select dbo.udfToNumber('1,000',-1)
November 7, 2006 at 12:11 am
On the contrary, every exchange I have on the subject of dynamic panels makes it become clearer.
But if instead of the internal variable @result I were to use @res (just...
November 6, 2006 at 8:19 am
In the interest of understanding dynamic sql better and its weird syntax, if you were to write this as a normal stored procedure what would it look like?
November 6, 2006 at 7:21 am
You might be getting regional settings of the account under which the SQL Server service runs. Have you checked that?
November 4, 2006 at 7:08 am
What is the overall problem you are trying to solve? Are you are trying to write a general purpose trigger which logs changes on an arbitrary table to a central table of...
November 4, 2006 at 12:29 am
Careful with that update. It will set col3 to null when, for a record in #temp1, there is no record in #temp2. Adding a where clause will avoid this: where...
November 3, 2006 at 11:30 pm
Go touch a null and you become a null. That's the rule of nulls.
Thus null +',' is equal to a null. That's why isnull(null + ',','yep') evaluates to 'yep'.
No matter...
November 3, 2006 at 1:49 pm
QueryExpress: very nice little tool indeed.
November 3, 2006 at 9:39 am
Can't find anything on this 'sliding window' thing. Have you got a specific link?
November 3, 2006 at 8:08 am
Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 548 total)