Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 548 total)

  • RE: How To - swap data between two row


    They're making fun of you (in the good sense of that concept) because your problem sounds like you're from outer space. You need to come down to earth and describe...

  • RE: Stuck with select

    You need to describe your problem a little better, .e.g. show us what your data looks like. Have you actually tried your query on a SQL Server database? As it...

  • RE: execute string in a query

    I don't understand Rakesh's problem of wanting to do elementary arithmetic using tables of operators and operands. I mean, why would you want to do that?

    And I don't understand Ninja's...

  • RE: modellog.ldf is 4 GBs!

    It could make sense on a server where you frequently create databases and you want to have a log file 'ready to go'. But my first reaction is to be...

  • RE: Operating system error 23 in SQL

    It means the tape or hardware has gone bad.

    This is the probable sequence:

    1. a BAK file is generated and a CRC code is generated

    2. the BAK file is written to...

  • RE: How to export only certain records

    Play around with this query. It should get you started. It produces a list of at most 49 family members. All you now need to do now is delete the...

  • RE: script to convert sql server query to oracle query

    I know of no automated tool that does this. Most of the work is dealing with the functions for which you need to find the Oracle equivalent. It does help...

  • RE: Linked Server to Oracle

    This is what I use. In Query Analyzer

    sp_addlinkedserver ORALINK,Oracle,MSDAORA,ORCL


    sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ORALINK,false,null,USER,PASSWORD


    ORALINK is a name of your choice and will be used by a SQL Server query

    Oracle is a keyword and should...

  • RE: modellog.ldf is 4 GBs!

    This is not a log text file but is part of the so called model database consisting of model.mdf and modellog.ldf which SQL Server uses as a template to create...

  • RE: 24 hour difference

    How exact do you want to become? Why not measure the difference in seconds and see if it is exactly 3600*24 or 86400? But you might want to give a...

  • RE: Eliminate duplicate column values

    I'm going to cheat by adding a sequence number. Then it becomes fairly straight forward. Without the sequence number I don't see a way.

    create table t(

      seqno int,

      id int,



    This is a fortunate side effect of adding a clustered index plus doing an indexdefrag because it has to move around the contents of the data pages to get everything...



    So you have a 7.5 GB database 99% of which contains blanks. I'm asking myself what was the orignal purpose of char columns? There must have once been a hard...


    Played around with this a bit and must say that it's all very strange. It seems the space cannot be recovered with any kind of standard manipulation in Query Analyzer. Also,...

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 548 total)