Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 548 total)

  • RE: How to get a variable resultset


    If the purpose of the table is to hold 'precise' job sequences, then the fact that job3 is specified twice in your sample data seems to be incorrect. Thus there is no way...

  • RE: new user list

    What makes you thinks so?

    sysusers.createdate is when that record was created (via, say, sp_addlogin, sp_grantdbaccess, etc.)

    What will make sysusers.createdate unreliable is when the database came from another server which...

  • RE: Looping thru columns in a table?

    This query gives you the column names for a given table-name.


    from syscolumns sc

      join sysobjects so on

    where'table-name' and so.xtype='U'

    order by colid

  • RE: ISP DBA Says .DAT is SQL native backup format!

    If you are using Enterprise Manager to restore, try Query Analyzer instead (or vice versa). The other tool might give you a better message.

    Other than that, I can only say that...

  • RE: backups in Native mode

    Check out -n switch meaning 'native format' in bcp for doing bulk insert. But I have never head this used for backups.

  • RE: ISP DBA Says .DAT is SQL native backup format!

    You might have a peak at the file by doing in a Command shell:

    type name.bak | more

    The few SQL Server 2000 backup files i quickly looked at all begin with the word...

  • RE: strong password enforcement

    You can always hack just this functionality into sp_password and sp_addlogin - but I wouldn't recommend it as any service pack install would wipe out these changes.

    I did a password...

  • RE: QA and DTS results are different - aargh!

    Get a third opinion by running the plain-vanilla VBA script below:

    1. modify the connect string line

    2. save it as test.vbs

    3. start a Command shell, navigate to the folder and type:...

  • RE: INSERT Identity

    This works fine for me.

    create table t(

      id int identity(1,1),

      copy_of_id int)

    insert into t values(isnull(scope_identity(),0)+1)

  • RE: Get the names for different levels

    I think what he wants is

    Root       Trunk      Branch     Leaf

    Root       Trunk      Branch     Stem

    Root       Trunk      Branch     Leaf

    Root       Trunk      Branch     Leaf

    Root       Trunk      Branch     Leaf

    The query I showed does essentially that. If you display...

  • RE: Get the names for different levels

    There is no generic solution for an arbitrary number of levels. But if you know that there is a reasonable maximum number of levels then it can be handled with...

  • RE: How to join a Table in SQL Server with a Flat (txt) file?

    Check out OPENROWSET in BOL.

  • RE: Bring back the GOOF Button

    In my office's desktop - some time ago, I added a red panic button to my keyboard (received as a gift from my secretary). It's one of those things that you...

  • RE: How can i get window login name???

    What's wrong with

    select hostname,loginame

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses

    where spid=@@spid

    I think this returns domain\user values in loginame.

  • RE: execute string in a query

    But to me it looks like you're dealing with a problem that's easier to solve using Excel. I don't see relational database concepts as being very useful here.

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 548 total)