Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 366 total)

  • RE: Matching Values

    crap it ate my post and I have to run. But I would like to say that it may be possible to do this with SQL. I will check back...

  • RE: Matching Values

    Great I am modyfing the code will have it in a few min


  • RE: Matching Values

    Govinn if you need to only find the first occurance where the values in the table = the passed value I have a Vb program that will do this client...

  • RE: Matching Values

    Question: Can you guarantee that the number you are seeking will always be a combination of the values in your table?



    While I am not 100% on this I think it is a scoping problem in the first example. Three questions. First since the second example works is there a problem...


    Hi could you post your table def. I am not sure what you are trying to do here. If you are just adding rows to a table that contain an...

  • RE: Creating reports with sub total using CUBE

    Have you tried using rollup rather than cube. Which returns:

    LA                   Operator    Delivered   Undelivered

    -------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    Cellact              Cellcom      24          8

    Cellact              Partner      14          2

    Cellact              Pelephone  23          6

    Cellact              Total         61          16

    Microsoft           Cellcom    ...

  • RE: Creating reports with sub total using CUBE

    I think this is what you are looking for.

    HTH Mike


      ELSE (LA)

     END AS LA,

     CASE  WHEN (GROUPING(Operator)=1) THEN 'ALL'


     END AS Operator,

     SUM(Delivered) AS Delivered,

     SUM(Undelivered) as Undelivered

    FROM Test


  • RE: Formatting date in a select statement?


    Edited to correct fat finger problem

    Hi try this bol will explain the convert and cast functions.

    DECLARE @SomeDate datetime

    SET @Somedate = '2005/05/12'


  • RE: customized sort order

    Enthusiastic may be way to mild to describe Joe when you hit one of his hot buttons. He does a great rant ....

  • RE: Max of date from multiple columns

    Would it be possible to touch the person who developed the process. I would suggest a very heavy rock droped from a height of 10 feet to touch him on...

  • RE: Max of date from multiple columns

    Let me see if I understand the data you have.

    You have an object and at least three versions of This object

     Version A, Version B, Version C

    Each Version was modified on...

  • RE: Inserting date time

    Thanks ED I missed the missing ' s and forgot to mention bol.


  • RE: Inserting date time

    edited to add a missing ) and an example

    If the date format of the input is dd/mm/yy use


    DECLARE @Var varchar(20)

    DECLARE @DateVar datetime

    set @Var ='21/1/2005'

    set @DateVar =convert(datetime,@Var,103) --format dd/mm/yy...

  • RE: Inserting date time

    Hi try changing the settings in the convert statement to 103 which is the British/French date format for input data. (dd/mm/yy  

    SET AUTH_DATE = convert(datetime,(convert(varchar(8), lauthdate,103)))

    HTH Mike


Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 366 total)