Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 73 total)

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    I don't see how revealing salaries will ever not cause resentment. But openly publishing pay bands and average pay ranges gives something for people to achieve. I work...


    I've been caught out by the multiple answer thang before - but never again!

    This argument over lost points is hiding how good a question this is. Who at MS...

  • RE: Power

    It is a good question.

    To work around we can cast as float or bigint; but the nub of the answer is in realising that it is the internal datatype of...

  • RE: Exponent Engima

    And then I found this forum post from May!

  • RE: Exponent Engima

    Good question, the bitwise XOR ^ made this a school day for me (always good). Once I took out the -17 it became clear that sqrt (n^n) (n is...

  • RE: POWER function in SQL server 2005

    This would make a good QotD!

  • RE: Top 5 based on total order query

    Oh and I've not done anything to help if the 5th and 6th values are tied.

    If you have a tie for fifth:

    insert into @T_OrderHeader (ShipCountry, OrderTotal) values ('Russia', 16.09)

    Sql 2005...

  • RE: Top 5 based on total order query

    There are alternatives:

    Build a temp table with the 5 values, then insert the 'others' row and you have a table with 6 rows that you can order and report on...

  • RE: Top 5 based on total order query

    The only difficulty with the union is that if the others total is more than, say, the fifth highest then it will appear above it unless you use a contrivance...

  • RE: Top 5 based on total order query

    That is an interesting query, I guess that you want:

    Number1 Actual value

    Number2 Actual value

    Number3 Actual value

    Number4 Actual value

    Number5 Actual value

    Others Total of values...

  • RE: OpenXml problem with xmlns

    Could you check the code, what's the datatype for @Xml on line 3?

  • RE: Condition in JOIN clause

    There is also a circle of hell reserved for people who are composing posts that are made obsolete by people trying to avoid previously mentioned circles.

  • RE: Condition in JOIN clause

    I think the consensus is that a left outer join will solve this problem, here is an example - is it of any use? Remember there is a circle...

  • RE: SQL Server Management Studio Express

    Express is missing some data moving features. Certainly the ones available on right click.

    I don't have Express at work (only home) so I can't check, but I...

  • RE: Deterministic Functions

    I thought that the question was a bit vague and would have been fairer (not necessarily any more accurate) as two questions; splitting up the seeded and non-seeded bits. ...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 73 total)