Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Error in Single Record, Msg 3624 m_offBeginVar < m_SizeRec

    Dear Ben,

    I have faced similar issues with one of my client's DB where Service pack wasn't installed.

    so i suggest you to update the latest service pack to resolve this issue...

  • RE: Best Way to Calculate Age

    declare @DateOfBirth datetime

    declare @result as varchar

    set @DateOfBirth='1983-07-11'

    select @result = (DATEDIFF(yy, @DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) -

    case when Convert(Datetime,Convert(varchar,DATEPART(yy, GETDATE())) + '-' + Convert(varchar,DATEPART(m, @DateOfBirth))+ '-'+ Convert(varchar,DATEPART(d, @DateOfBirth)))

    <=GetDate() THEN 0 ELSE 1...

  • RE: T-SQL Query

    we can even use

    charindex(',' + Convert(varchar(2),month(dob)) + ',', ',2,6,7,8,11,12,') >0

    This won't have impact even if the language is not english

  • RE: String Data, Length Mismatch

    I dont think this could be the problem.  i have already run the same script of source Database on Destination Server Database. hence making the two table identical. I strongly...

  • RE: String Data, Length Mismatch

    Hi JFB,

    thanks for ur reply. but with other SQL tables w/o image or text columns it works. and some times it does allow me to upload image data (same table) also.


  • RE: Speed up the Performance of SQL SERVER

    foll is SQLPERF(waitstats) REsults

    At the end of Day.hope will give precise idea on actual situation.

    Wait Type ...

  • RE: Speed up the Performance of SQL SERVER

    but for crystal reports i donot use any sort of join.i have created one table for that.everytime i fire a report. i dump data into it and bound that table...

  • RE: Speed up the Performance of SQL SERVER

    thankzzzz everybody

    i need to try to change recovery model.

    and indexes... how can i put indexes right idexes or revive them(using profiler+Index Tuning wizard?)


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)